主演:杰玛·韦兰 罗莎·科杜里 妮雅姆·库萨克 塔姆金·奥斯威特 维多利亚·
简介: 这个新系列将被命名为《塔》II: 死亡信息》是根据凯特-伦敦出色的第二本同名小说改编的。该剧由编剧Patrick Harbinson(《国土安全》、《无畏》、《24》、《急诊室》)改编,由他的公司Windhover Films和制作公司Mammoth Screen制作。 该系列的开篇是Lizzie(Tahirah Sharif)回到Farlow警局,她的上司和前情人Kieran Shaw(Emmett J Scanlan)将她与Arif Johar(Michael Karim)搭档。他们接到的第一个电话是针对Mark Brannon的家庭暴力投诉,他被指控殴打其女友Georgina Teel,并恐吓他们的小女儿Skye。 Lizzie劝说Georgina说出Brannon对她所做的事情的真相,使Lizzie和Arif能够逮捕他。然而,一旦案件进入法庭,丽兹发现自己在证人席上被盘问,使整个案件处于刀尖上。 莎拉知道费登交给她的是一个不可能完成的挑战,但她以典型的决心和彻底的态度投入其中。渐渐地,也许是因为她在1997年时也是和塔尼娅一样大的少年,她开始发现以前的调查所忽略的线索。在第一集的结尾,莎拉的调查有了进一步的转折,这意味着她和丽兹再次相遇。
主演:莫莉·麦克格林 Rachael Hilton Rina Mahon
简介:Written by Daragh Carville (Being Human), the third season introduces us to Lisa Armstrong’s replacement, DS Jenn Townsend, who struggles to balance her family’s house move alongside the pressures of her new role. DS Townsend is immediately thrown into the deep end when a body is found in the bay on her first day in the job. She must get under the skin of a grieving and complicated family if she has any chance of solving the premature death of an aspiring young boxer. While she’s eager to give the family answers, she also needs to prove herself as the team’s newest recruit. The pressure is multiplied when her new blended family struggle to settle in Morecambe, proving to Jenn that a fresh start might not be as simple as moving to a different town.