简介:The documentary de icts monarch butterflies’ great and mysterious migration. Each year’s autumn, millions of monarch butterflies start their incredible southward migration from Canada, cross America, to Mexico. They fly above 2,000 miles to arrive the mountain of Mexico .....The film o ens with cater illars munching milkweed in southern Canada in late summer. Soon each cater illar transforms itself into a silky chrysalis. Roughly 10 days later, a delicate four-winged monarch emerges.Then, at some unknown signal, the monarchs take to the air on a two-month, 2,000-mile flight over fields, forests, cities, lains, o en water, deserts, and finally mountains to congregate in a tiny, high-altitude region of central Mexico where they've never been before. Incredibly, they arrive by the millions at the same time each year.Shedding light on this natural wonder are some of the world's leading monarch researchers, including Lincoln Brower of Sweet Briar College, inde endent biologist Bill Calvert, and Orley "Chi " Taylor of the University of Kansas.Putting the monarch henomenon into ers ective, Taylor says, "You've got a butterfly that's originating in Toronto, or it's originating in Detroit, Michigan, or it's coming down from St. Paul or maybe even Winni eg, and it's moving south. Somehow it finds its way to Mexico. Could you do that?"No one yet knows how the butterflies do it, but Taylor's research reveals that they are ex ert navigators. In one ex eriment, he trans orted Mexico-bound monarchs from Kansas to Washington, DC, and then set them loose. At first, they flew south as if they were still in Kansas—a course that from Washington would miss Mexico entirely. But after a few days, they corrected their flight ath, as if some inborn GPS unit had alerted them to the true direction of their destination.In another sequence, NOVA accom anies celebrated monarch watcher Bill Calvert around backcountry Texas as he looks for signs of the monarch migration. Sure enough, they show u en masse and on time, heading toward the Sierra Madre mountains across the border—the last leg of their flight.And in the Mexican state of Michoacán, NOVA joins mountain villagers as they celebrate the arrival of the monarchs in the first week of November. The butterflies' arrival marks the start of a celebration called the Day of the Dead, since the local eo le have traditionally associated the monarchs with the returning souls of their de arted ancestors.Unfortunately, illegal logging in the Mexican butterfly sanctuaries threatens the unique habitat that monarchs de end on for their survival. Monarchs may not yet be an endangered s ecies, but their annual migration is an endangered henomenon that could dwindle to insignificance if the giant firs that they cling to during the winter disa ear.Gone also would be the colorful festival that closes the rogram—a fireworks dis lay welcoming the hardy fliers to Mexico, with orange bursts against the black sky, looking almost like the beautiful cloaks of the monarchs..
导演:珍妮弗·贝赫沃尔 EdwardBurtynsky NicholasdePencier
语言:英语 俄语 意大利语
简介: 錦繡大地被過度開採變成荒蕪異域;雄壯大象只剩長牙堆成盜獵者的殘酷罪證。人自視為地球主宰,對氣候環境及生態系統構成不可逆轉的影響;科學權威歷十年研究後揚言:「人類世」在二十世紀中已取代「全新世」的地質時代。從俄羅斯到肯亞,攝製隊用四年時間探索這項重大改變,以環迴航拍俯視大地傷痕,深焦鏡頭凝望塗炭生靈。在奧斯卡最佳女配角艾莉西亞菲瑾德的旁白下,驚豔震撼影像揭示人類的瘋狂,正令地球走向滅亡。 第18届温哥华影评人协会奖最佳加拿大纪录片(提名) < class="comment">《人类纪电影网友评论》爱瑞士圣哥达基线隧道与大堡礁!昨天恰好读到BrunoLatour的一篇短文,说“nowthegameisimmenselymorecom licatedbecausetherearemanyotheragenciesthatmakeaclaimfor owersharing.Agenciesareeverywhereentangled,andwedon'thavea oliticalinstitutionatthescaleofthe henomena.”能让人非常沉醉并享受的一部纪录片,如果可以不审判自己。肯尼亚防偷猎的士兵说“Wearehumans;andhumansarethebutcher." < class="com">工业奇观主导下的人类文明引发的反思:1.繁殖如果说是自然属性,那么应不应该通过后期的社会属性加以干预;2.人类的文明取自废墟,终将归于废墟,垃圾场即是最好的佐证;3.人类是地球之癌的提法本身即带有极大的自恋和一厢情愿,地球来自偶然,我们也不例外,但从资历上而言,我们自然更依赖让我们偶然诞生的土地;4.我们无节制的扩张究竟什么时候到头,答案显而易见——存在意味着无穷。于是就引出最终的问题:5.人类能侥幸逃脱自然法则的制裁吗?我希望,不能。 < class="com">人类纪:几乎是人类的终点的代名词。作为开发采集、耗尽、逃离——现代技术理性和消费主义的无意识——的后果,用影像和事实让反思成为集体意识变更的起点,从而明白逃离的不可能性进而激起积极的行动,是一个值得被更多人看到的纪录片、尤其在天朝。Aca ablemanshouldliveascaregivernotconsumer. < class="com">世界上最大的挖掘机、最好的大理石矿、最丰富的森林……人因此迁居,产业因此精尖、分级,土地因此面临废墟危机。人类活动对地球的影响足以形成一个新的地质时代,是为人类世。片子的每一幅画面都考究,都足以成为人类世的图注。走出自己的城市,走出自己所在产业的位置,看看全球供应链,看看大自然,会有更多体会。 < class="com">重点是展示(感性、激发观众的强烈情感)而不是探讨(理性),所以有很多人诟病的深度不足的缺陷,但在“展示”上确实做到了某种极致,摄影(毕竟是EdwardBurtynsky)和部分剪辑非常棒(卡拉拉大理石和德国推土机),在大银幕上看还是会被震撼到 < class="com">人类行为对自然的侵入,从原始狩猎逐渐的工具升级,保护环境是更为表浅表面的结论(最好笑IFC上映时恰逢桑伯格气候峰会的发飙,连累这部片连续几天票满座买不到票),但更为深刻是对自然界愈加有力的控制是高级物种的权利也是责任的客观态度; < class="com">全片以人类活动对环境影响分为了几块:过度采取(extraction)地貌变化(terraforming)气候变化(climatechange)物种灭绝(extinction)影响合称人类纪元本片没有过多的解说,却让人感到凄凉 < class="com">上班路过天天看TIFF外面挂着的海报,原来是加拿大拍的;很多镜头让人惊艳,但架构尤其是中段的结构太简陋了,对每个问题都只是简单堆砌画面,而缺乏相对深入的探讨。另外的一个大收获是发现尼尔在游戏开场的Boss那个机器居然是真的…… < class="com">整体偏弱,里面的东西没有任何新意。在观影半个小时后终于忍不住睡着。等到醒来之后是动物灭绝的部分,这个部分直接就是幻灯片的程度。从里到外都没有任何诚意的片子。在同题材的纪录片中算是做的比较差的了。 < class="com">人类活动对于地球的影响已经超过整个大自然的自然之力,将被永远留在地球历史之中。在地层、氮循环、生态系统以及各方面留下的证据,在这部纪录片中一一呈现——人类活动创造了新的地质纪元,人类纪。 < class="com">说实话目前不是很喜欢technofossil,technos here这些词,反而让人增加了疏离感。观后感是,一些人类个体实在值得同情,但人类作为一个物种来说真是太恶心了。 < class="com">帮助过我们的坚韧和聪明才智让我们毁掉了地球,也希望他能再帮助我们把地球拉回来。无论我们怎样去贬讽这些行为和发展,然而我们在用着电池,更换着手机电脑和汽车,为新家挑选着大理石~