主演:克劳迪奥·比加利 Fabrizio Biggio Duccio Cam
简介: "ALL YOU EVER WISHED FOR" is a fanciful tale of romance, comedy, and Italian charm. It begins in Milan with the abduction of a young American, the son of a wealthy businessman, and a ransom demand. But when the three bumbling mafia kidna ers and their ha less victim get lost in the mountains, they end u s ending the night in an abandoned cottage that is under a gy sy s ell. U on awakening, each man falls instantly in love with the first soul to meet his gaze, which are, for the kidna ers: a homely s inster; a handsome woodsman; and one cute cow. The American, as luck would have it, is smitten by the shar -tongued, raven-haired village beauty. Des ite everyone's ure motives, things begin to unravel when the double-crossed mafia don and the victim's father arrive on scene to ut an end to the madness. But they, too, fall victim to that gy sy love s ell, and our tale comes to a fitting end with everyone getting what they wished for - or at least what they deserved
主演:VictorBanerjee YogendraTikku Himans
简介: Acelebratedauthor'sstoryaboutageneticex erimentmor hsintoreality,whenitisreadbythreestrangers.Tra edinaroom,thefourdiscoverthatoneofthemmustbekilledtosavetherestfromanesca edundercoverrecruit. 纸上谋杀电影网友评论:< class="com">舞台剧+黑色电影的腔调。公允讲,创意是不错的。小说家,谋杀,有伦理争议的项目,基因医生和大脑工程师,警察,听上去不错。but,,,,but,引用豆瓣的话:“我尽力了”,缺乏仔细看完的耐性。但如果你有点耐性,还是有很多值得回味。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">开始比较扑朔迷离和没意思,,随着作家作死的谈话进行,,事件剥茧抽丝的刻画出来,,车站里男给女讲故事,,讲了啥就是发生了啥,,最后一通电话扬长而去,,完成了他利用他人的手为自己报仇,,远程遥控的绝美谋杀。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">不论怎么说也是种尝试,至少说明印度电影有那份勇气。但制作的缺乏场内场外的联系,人物之间的冲突,变成一场茶话会电影了,整个电影通过对话推动,但有质量的对话太多了,力量不足。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">想以对话撑起悬疑和科幻元素的片子,没有这个男人来自地球编剧的想象力是行不通的,不然,80分钟,都显长。 < class="com">宝宝已经尽全力了……这部三哥悬疑片看的老费劲!文艺不文艺,悬疑不悬疑的!卖弄各种手段当观众傻子! < class="com">纯粹靠蹩脚的英语对话撑起的印度悬疑片,80分钟都显漫长。印度的类型片水准依然飘忽不定。 < class="com">看海报入的坑,看了半小时发现果然是坑——印度英语口音听力的坑。 < class="com">......睡过去了,蚊子把我咬醒了 < class="com">实在是看不下去,只能删了 < class="com">概念科幻剧,剧情不好看 < class="com">我已经很努力快进了 < class="com">⋯⋯⋯⋯我盡力了