主演:伊丽莎白·惠特森 诺阿·西甘 丝柯·泰勒-考普顿 雅姆·朗德里·埃贝尔
简介: Awealthyyoungmanisconnedintostagingafakekidna inginordertobeaheroandwintheaffectionofagirlhe'smadlyinlovewith.Butwhenoneofthehiredkidna ersisaccidentallykilledduringthecharade,he'sforcedtoactuallysaveherlifewhilenotrevealingthatit'sbeenaruseallalong. 赢取女孩电影网友评论:< class="com">典型的点子型好莱坞恐怖片剧本。编剧有个好点子,先想好反转结局,然后开始推导过程丰满功能角色,所以本片走向有些自以为是。故事发展并不具有唯一性,如果没有那些意外那最后的反转就执行不了了!所以只能靠队友卖蠢来制造意外,此类恐怖片总个不安分的反派可能是吸毒或是暴力狂或是全程失控的女人。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">5/10分喜剧片,我能想到最浪漫的事就是找你的准前夫,跟他一起设计绑架你。Alex的反问"SoyoualmostkilledmetoshowmethatI''malive",也许这正是每个人心中所期许的,可惜电影呈现很欠火候,结局更显仓促自大。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">制片公司叫diabloentertainment,弄出来的片子果然和diablo有一定联系,都是一样的cccccchaos < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">总结下来就是,“我爱你,我愿意为你做任何事,顺便,我一直是这个房间里最聪明的人。” < class="com">真不敢相信竟然为了自己所谓的浪漫而死了那么多人还有个警察,真他妈扯淡。 < class="com">这竟然是一部悬疑片?XME?反派太弱智,结尾也没预料之外,也不完美! < class="com">演技硬伤犯罪剧情情理之外意料之中也算是为婚外情者敲响警钟了吧 < class="com">《赢取女孩》——不要被评分忽悠,其实比你想象中好看系列。 < class="com">[ c]87.6min。荒诞,自导自演英雄救美 < class="com">被一个智商高出自己很多的男生喜欢是件可怕的事。 < class="com">为了让女神离婚过上幸福日子也是下大力气了。 < class="com">几个妹纸还可以,面罩真是充满了黑色幽默
主演:T.W. Leshner Connor Fox Jerry Leggi
简介:'Mothman' was yet another miserable 'original' film that SyFy decided to torture viewers with. Who at the SyFy Network is drinking the wrong Kool-Aid? They need to hire knowledgeable and intelligent decision makers when it comes to their line-u and roduction rocesses. The only thing redeemable about 'Mothman' is that the acting is above average for SyFy original features. The cast did a retty good job with such a crazy, undevelo ed storyline and scri t. The s ecial effects were really itiful - worse than the old dinosaur flicks from the 50's and 60's. With today's technology, someone with creativity and skill could have created much better effects with home com uter equi ment. I believe that any movie worth making is worth making right - as right as ossible anyway. This starts with the writers of course. A solid lot, storyline and dialog really are the most im ortant - s ecial effects can enhance or destroy a film as well. Continuity is a major element in both, in order to eliminate ossible holes and aid in believability. I guess the roduction com any didn't have anyone who could rovide continuity for the scri t or work-flow during filming and editing. Oh well. And why the heck did 'SciFi' change their name to 'SyFy'? Ridiculous!