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类型:剧情 剧情片  地区:菲律宾  年份:1982 
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Batch '81 follows the ex eriences of seven neo hytes who are seeking acce tance into the Al ha Ka i Omega fraternity. One of the neo hytes, Sid Lucero, tells the story through his eyes. For six monthes, the neo hytes go through mental and hysical humiliation through their "masters." &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ; &nbs ;After initiation, the neo hytes become the new masters of each new batch of a licants, falling rey to the vicious cycle of ointless violence.