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类型:剧情  地区:美国  年份:1994 
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专业摄影师米奇丹尼迷上了超级歌星切尔西,但一直希望抓拍她的计划却屡屡遭挫当他最终夙愿以偿后,却发现那人并非切尔西本人而只是一个与她容貌相似的“替身”。更蹊跷的是,她与切尔西先后遭谋杀,而且自己竟成了头号嫌疑犯。米奇必须与时间赛跑,查清事实真相以示清白……Pa arazzi hotogra her Mickey Dane is obsessed with elusive o singer Chelsea, and his attem ts to ca ture her on film often land him in trouble. He jum s at the chance to hotogra h a Chelsea look alike, but when Chelsea and her double are found murdered, he becomes the main sus ect. Discovering a clue in one of his old hotogra hs, Mickey must race against time to rove his innocence and find out what really ha ened……