主演:让-帕斯卡尔·扎迪 卡洛琳·安格鲁德 Fary Tonton Marc
简介: JP, un acteur raté de 40 ans, décide d’organiser la première grosse marche de contestation noire en France, mais ses rencontres, souvent burlesques, avec des personnalités influentes de la communauté et le soutien intéressé qu’il re?oit de Fary, le font osciller entre envie d’être sur le devant de la scène et véritable engagement militant...
简介:Society sleuths Nick and Nora Charles investigate a murder aboard a floating casino. Nick and Nora Charles are attending a charity benefit aboard a gambling ship. After a murder occurs, suspicion falls on Phil Brant, who had argued with the victim earlier in the evening. When Phil and his wife seek help from Nick and Nora, Nick refuses to get involved. But when shots are fired outside his own apartment, Nick begins to investigate, and he soon finds himself in a confusing case with numerous suspects. Nick and Nora Charles were the ultimate screen couple, husband and wife detectives, always in step and never missing an opportunity to outwit one another as they solved each crime, which they did just in time for the movie's ending. Myrna Loy was a fantastic Nora, the ideal wife and considering she made 14 movies with William Powell, she made it look like they were really married. The Thin Man movies, all six of them, played more like sophisticated screwball comedies than murder mysteries, and their comic banter enhanced the proceedings. Their little wire-haired terrier, Asta, quite often stole the scene as he helped sleuth out the guilty party. He was a great little actor and rumor had it that away from the Thin Man movies, Asta was really Skippy. However, the six Thin Man movies credit this cute pooch as Asta.
主演:索菲娅·迪·马蒂诺 埃拉-雷·史密斯 乔·哈特利 塞缪尔·安德森 斯戴
简介:Marley Morrison’s knockout debut feature is a sharply observed coming-of-age story that will make you wince and laugh in painful recognition of universal truths. 17-year-old AJ (Nell Barlow) is not one of life’s shiny, happy people. A family holiday at a caravan park in Dorset is her idea of hell. A moody misfit, she dresses for concealment and lets everyone know that she would rather be anywhere else. Then she spies flirty, free-spirited lifeguard Isla (Ella-Rae Smith) who might just be the girl of her dreams. Can AJ dare to take a first step on the road to happiness
主演:AnatoliyRudenko KonstantinKryukov K
简介:阿列克谢是个年轻的、有天赋的程序员,离开了他的家乡,来到了迷人的莫斯科,在那里,他加入了半合法的极端游戏俱乐部“致命螺旋”。他总是很幸运的赢得一场场的比赛,并且每次胜利之后都会获得很高的奖金。同时,阿列克谢赢得了他之前只能做梦才能拥有的女孩的芳心。&ems ;&ems ;不久之后,他周围发生的事情发生了戏剧性的变化,他也好像进入了一场噩梦。一场比赛过后,阿列克谢被控告抢劫银行。而且,有人竟然来谋杀他,他的女朋友也并不相信他是无辜的。当一件件对他不利的事情朝向他时,他没有办法只能站出来,用他的专业的技能以及天生的才干单打独斗地对抗敌人。经历过这些,阿列克谢才切身地意识到有些事情远比赢得这个世界要重要的多。致命螺旋电影网友评论:< class="com">男一没男二帅。女主长的太奇怪,难道我和俄罗斯人审美差距这么大?那浅金发秘书长得最漂亮。应该比这个分高的,虽然电影并不好。想法是不错的,一半以后开始瞎,但不得不说,结局里的关系还是挺让人意外的,我以为男二是坏人呢,结果没有~其他都平平……话说,假死那段,让我想起了大白里那些磁铁人。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">阿列克谢是个年轻的、有天赋的程序员,离开了他的家乡,来到了迷人的莫斯科,在那里,他加入了半合法的极端游戏俱乐部“致命螺旋”。他总是很幸运的赢得一场场的比赛,并且每次胜利之后都会获得很高的奖金。同时,阿列克谢赢得了他之前只能做梦才能拥有的女孩的芳心。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">“是金子总会发光”是嘛?有天赋的失业程序员,可以操作降落伞真是牛啦!能吸引到金融家的女儿,赢得情敌的协助,这是怎样的魅力啊!…男主角的智商塑造太完美了。看完想起“你以为你以为的就是你以为的?”人玩游戏,人在游戏里玩…场景设置还是挺好哒~ < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">班长是个烂片锁定器!哪部片子最烂他就能找到哪部片子……比如《第七子》《致命螺旋》《荒野》《澳门风云2》(大部分我都闻所未闻),他找到的都是豆瓣评分低下的片子,偏偏班长又最爱这类烂片┑( ̄Д ̄)┍ < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">在腾讯视频看的,上面竟然叫“虚拟决斗”,靠,结果百度,谷歌了半天找不到这个电影评论,最后搜了下这电影的导演名字,才找到。。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">前面鋪陳太冗長了,然後劇情峰迴路轉,接著就快速結束了,看到後面實在太枯燥乏味了,結論是做任何事情都要有高科技裝備就對了 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">事实证明,战斗民族的电影之类的还是算了吧……值得一提的是,音乐还不错。 < class="com">开头还挺吸引人的,可是后面铺垫太长剧情反转太快,最后我终于睡着了。。。 < class="com">为毛俄罗斯电影的对白永远都是那么叫人蛋疼???????????? < class="com">大熊圈也是人才辈出,其电影的乱炖和扯淡程度跟阿三们能有得一拼了。 < class="com">就没看过这么有运动能力的程序员好吗?完全的不给我等屌丝一丝生机啊 < class="com">男女主身材、脸蛋给一星,露出来的肉也养眼鲜嫩,再给半星。