主演:瑞秋·布罗斯纳安 阿萨·巴特菲尔德 丹妮·加西亚 凯伦·阿兰 崔维斯·
导演:山姆·雷米 斯科特·贝克 丹尼尔·歌德哈伯 李·克罗宁
简介: 故事取材自科罗拉多、佛罗里达、爱荷华、堪萨斯、密歇根、明尼苏达、密苏里、俄勒冈、华盛顿州的都市传说。 山姆·雷米亲自编剧执导单集《金臂》,瑞秋·布罗斯纳安、崔维斯·费米尔主演,讲述男主的妻子有一个纯金手臂,妻子死后丈夫盗墓挖出金手臂,死去的妻子回家复仇;克里斯蒂娜·里奇主演单集《红色朗姆酒》,致敬《闪灵》!《禁入直播》丹尼尔·歌德哈伯执导,伊莎·马齐编剧。此外《寂静之地》编剧斯科特·贝克、《地面之洞》导演李·克罗宁也将各执导一集
主演:亚利桑德拉·布莱肯瑞吉 罗伯特·伯克利 丽莎·钱德勒 杰基·哈里 卡洛
简介: Terrie Car enter and David Crabtree are two of the most o ular segment hosts on the SHC aka Sho ing from Home Channel. They have an antagonistic rofessional relationshi in being o osites in the way they a roach their job. Terrie likes to be re ared in knowing roduct s ecs, David who accuses her of being boring in her striving to have an air of erfection. David has a devil may care attitude, his catch hrases, which he didn't even write himself, Terrie finding retentious in wanting to come across as every viewer's best friend. They and the rest of the staff at SHC discover that the rumors that have been circulating around the station are true: that SHC's founder Sharon St. Clair, who still hosts the rime time s ot segments, including the Monthly Pick, which ulls in quadru le the viewershi of any other segment, is retiring, she and the Board who will make the decision of her re lacement both as host for those lucrative time slots, and as head of the com any. Terrie and ..