主演:凯莉·霍威 布基特·科穆尔 瑞安·巴雷托 阿德 瓦·阿里 莫·巴艾尔
简介:《保镖 Bodyguard》前女主Keeley Hawes将主演ITV的真实题材英剧《荣誉 Honour》,这部由Gwyneth Hughes执笔﹑Richard Laxton执导的两集剧讲述了现实的「Banaz Mahmod谋杀案」,在06年时Banaz Mahmod因为逃离包办婚姻而被家人杀害,Keeley Hawes饰演的总督察Caroline Goode在搜索过程上找到幕后真相。 P.S:荣誉谋杀指女性因为家人或同族成员以维护名声﹑清理门户为由而被杀。
简介: Answering Fire - In a sus ected terrorist attack on a London hotel a government minister is killed. As Sam and the team investigate the case, old friends and government officials soon muddy the water.Fatal Error - When two brothers are found dead in a olice cell, Sam and Leo find themselves on o osing sides of an Old Bailey court case – then a 13-year old murder resurfaces, questioning Sam’s findings…Running on Em ty - When a young woman falls to her death, the olice believe she took her own life. When Sam, Leo and Harry are called in, their investigations soon unravel a tragic story.Beyond Guilt - As Sam investigates a brutal murder, she is also asked to investigate a rofessor linked to the case and discovers the case is a lot more com licated than first a earances suggested
简介: A Time to Heal -The team is called out to Northern Ireland to investigate the bodies of two men killed by aramilitaries twenty years ago. For Sam, it is a case that is soon to turn ersonal… Death by Water - Tensions are running high in the ‘leaderless’ team as Leo and Harry clash over an investigation into an outbreak of breathing difficulties among children on the South Coast. Nowhere Fast - When members of a race horse owning syndicate are killed in a helico ter crash, Leo and Harry investigate – and an unex ected new face at the mortuary lends a hel ing hand. Body 21 - A roached by a grou of survivors from a recent train crash, the team investigate the wreckage and a new mystery – the identity of the unidentified body 21
导演:BillAnderson 哈里·胡克 HarryHook
简介: 主演:阿曼达·伯顿/威廉·加米那拉/汤姆·沃导演:BillAnderson/哈里·胡克/HarryHook语言:英语地区:英国编剧:KevinHood类型:剧情/犯罪上映时间: 别名:无声的证言用户标签:英剧,BBC,犯罪,推理,英国,悬疑,电视剧,BenedictCumberbatch片长:imdb编号:tt0115355 一名法医在案件侦破中努力确定自己的角色。 无声的证言第一季电影网友评论:< class="com">今晚值班看这剧,本来打算在大电视上看,结果自己压制的字幕太小了,而且也不能逼别人跟我一起看英文字幕的剧吧,结果还是在电脑上看的。我是从十八季倒着看到第十五季的,今天突然看第一季主角全不一样,不过女主和Nikki一样深得我心。画质嘛九几年的电视能这样也不错了。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">第一季看完,案子很细致,比重口更刺神经的是嫌犯细致的小动作,只是表现法医个性、心理活动的戏份太多又很平淡,然后跳着看了十三季,换了个主角更是一言难尽,永远满脸心事,还是冷静的法医更让人信赖。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">#第一季的女法医比后面十八十九季的女主专业性强太多!故事虽然没有后面的精彩,但是20年前的故事嘛,情节已经算不错了。女主的专业性点个赞! < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">居然有从第14季开始可以让我看得下去的剧,感谢狐狸姐和TW同学=V=慢慢追~萌了Nikki/Harry苏了Leo捂脸#=V= < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">在英国压抑的阴天吃着难吃的意大利面看这个电影人的心情真的会崩盘。故事情节衔接的还算紧密,凶手比较好猜,但是因为真实让人害怕。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">看那么久以前的剧,心境确实不太一样,拍得很从容,但也有那个年代的典型腔调,特别有趣。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">只看过EM出现的两集,当年讲述法医的电视剧果然风格比较阴暗,而且画面也很“法医” < class="com">就看了BC和前女友打酱油的S06e 5和6当着女友面搂别的女人哈哈哈导演真坏 < class="com">16年前BC和玉簪姐姐的酱油戏……大约就是这个时候开始的吧? < class="com">不要这么好猜好不好啊,还搞激情戏!!受不了!! < class="com">想起来以前看完每一集还有跟小穗讨论~~ < class="com">很可惜没有全部看到希望找到资源全都看到
主演:艾米莉娅·福克斯 威廉·加米那拉 汤姆·沃德 阿德里安娜·贝托拉 Ke
简介: The day after Professor Silverlake, consultant neurologist at the Dartmouth London hos ital, has railed at three atients for smoking and drinking on the remises, all three are found dead. Silverlake, a arently the last doctor to visit the ward, later goes berserk with a rifle and is killed by olice sni ers. The ward's night nurse is also found dead. Nikki is dee ly u set at having to erform an auto sy on a little girl who was murdered, a arently by Jason Bodle, on whom Silverlake once erformed life-saving surgery, and wonders if the rofessor allowed himself to be shot out of remorse. Whilst Bodle is committed as unfit to lead, Silverlake's daughter, Naomi, asks Nikki to hel clear her father's name of murder