主演:查理兹·塞隆 科洛·莫瑞兹 奥斯卡·伊萨克 菲恩·伍法德 艾莉森·珍妮
简介:米高梅定格动画版《亚当斯一家》组建团队,除此前确定的奥斯卡·伊萨克,查理兹·塞隆、艾莉森·珍妮、科洛·莫瑞兹、菲恩·伍法德、尼克·克罗尔、贝特·迈德尔也加盟讲述一个诡异古怪的家庭与一个狡猾的真人秀主持人对峙,这个家庭同时也在为新生命的到来做准备,将举办一场亚当斯式的庆祝派对。 伊萨克和塞隆为戈麦斯&莫提西亚·亚当斯夫妇配音,莫瑞兹配Wednesday ,伍法德配Pugsley ,迈德尔配祖母,克罗尔配Fester叔叔,珍妮配反派Margaux Needler。 康拉德·弗农(《香肠派对》《马达加斯加3》《怪物史瑞克2》)和格雷格·蒂曼(《香肠派对》)执导,漫画家、该系列电视剧、电影的制作人查尔斯·亚当斯和Matt Lieberman、Pamela Pettler(《僵尸新娘》《怪兽屋》《机器人9号》)共同编写剧本,北美2019年10月11日北美上映。 原版漫画由查尔斯·亚当斯创作,围绕戈麦斯&莫提西亚·亚当斯夫妇及他们的孩子Wednesday、Pugsley和一群亲戚展开故事。亚当斯一家属于典型哥特式家庭,富有但古怪,亲人之间的复杂关系和家产争夺让他们的生活陷入混乱之中。1964年首次被改编成真人版电视剧,之后又陆续开发了动画版,三部真人电影分别于1991、1993、1998年上映,还被改编成音乐剧登陆百老汇。
主演:哈里森·福特 丹·史蒂文斯 凯伦·吉兰 布莱德利·惠特福德 珍·路易莎
简介:巴克是一只骨骼壮硕身材强壮的狗,本来在大法官家里过着养尊处优的生活的它,被园丁偷走,卖到了严寒的阿拉斯加,成为了雪橇犬巴克坎坷的命运并没有就此终结,之后,它又辗转经历了好几个主人,他们残暴而又冷酷的对待巴克。不仅如此,巴克在狗群中也为了保住自己的地位而经历了巨大的挑战 。 这一次,约翰(哈里森•福特Harrison Ford 饰)成为了巴克的新主人,幸运的是,约翰是一个善良的男人,他不仅非常温柔的对待巴克,还治好了它伤痕累累的身体。随着时间的推移,一人一狗之间产生了坚实的友谊。然而,在一场意外中,约翰被印第安人杀死了,愤怒的巴克失去了理智,它要为自己的主人报仇。
主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 雷恩·威尔森 约翰·卡拉辛斯基 珍娜·费舍 B·J·诺
简介:Season 4, E isode 1: Fun Run Original Air Date—27 Se tember 2007 Michael accidentally runs over Meridith in the arking lot, and his guilt causes him to organize a 5-K run for her. Dwight and Angela have a falling-out after he kills her cat, and the Jim and Pam's relationshi is discovered. Season 4, E isode 2: Dunder Mifflin Infinity Original Air Date—4 October 2007 Michael feels threatened when Ryan returns to the Scranton office to share his ideas about the future of Dunder Mifflin. Jim and Pam's relationshi is shared with the entire office, while Angela and Dwight's relationshi is on the rocks. Season 4, E isode 3: Launch Party Original Air Date—11 October 2007 The Dunder Mifflin Infinity website is launching and Michael is excited about going to the big launch arty in New York while Angela lans a satellite arty for the Scranton branch. Meanwhile, Dwight com etes against the website to see who can sell the most a er in one day. Season 4, E isode 4: Money Original Air Date—18 October 2007 As Jan renovates the condo, Michael confronts his growing debt every way he can, which includes ressuring his em loyees for a loan. Pam and Jim s end a night out on Dwight's family farm, now a bed and breakfast. Season 4, E isode 5: Local Ad Original Air Date—25 October 2007 Michael tries to make a local Dunder Mifflin commercial that is better than the one the rofessional ad agency made for them. Meanwhile, Andy tries to confide in Dwight about his new relationshi with Angela. Season 4, E isode 6: Branch Wars Original Air Date—1 November 2007 Michael and Dwight try to lay a rank on Karen, who is now manager of the Utica branch, after she tries to steal Stanley from the Scranton office. Meanwhile, Pam, Toby, and Oscar start their own exclusive office book club. Season 4, E isode 7: Survivor Man Original Air Date—8 November 2007 After Michael isn't invited to a cam ing tri with Ryan, he sets out to rove that he can brave it out in the wilderness by himself. Jim, who is in charge of the office while Michael is gone, tries to change the birthday arty olicy. Season 4, E isode 8: The De osition Original Air Date—15 November 2007 Michael is ut in an awkward osition when Jan sues Dunder-Mifflin for wrongful termination and he is de osed as a witness. Meanwhile, Kelly begins smack talking Pam after Darryl beats Jim at ing ong. Season 4, E isode 9: Dinner Party Original Air Date—10 A ril 2008 Michael invites Jim and Pam and Andy and Angela to a cou les-only dinner arty, which makes Dwight very jealous. However, the only thing he's missing is a ringside seat to witness Michael and Jan's extremely dysfunctional home life. Season 4, E isode 10: Chair Model Original Air Date—17 A ril 2008 Kevin and Andy team u to reclaim the stolen Dunder-Mifflin arking s aces, which forces them into a showdown with the other five bosses of the office ark. Meanwhile, Michael becomes fascinated by a women modeling chairs in a catalog. Season 4, E isode 11: Night Out Original Air Date—24 A ril 2008 Michael and Dwight to to New York to arty with Ryan, who is having lots of ersonal and rofessional roblems. The rest of the office em loyees work late, and wind u getting locked in the business ark. Season 4, E isode 12: Did I Stutter? Original Air Date—1 May 2008 Michael tries to figure out how to res ond to Stanley's insubordination during a meeting, and Dwight buys Andy's vehicle and immediately fli s it for more money. Season 4, E isode 13: Job Fair Original Air Date—8 May 2008 Dunder-Mifflin artici ates in a high school job fair, but few students are interested. Jim, Andy, and Kevin lay a round of golf with a ros ective client. Back at the office, everyone but Dwight and Angela leave for the day. Season 4, E isode 14: Goodbye, Toby Original Air Date—15 May 2008 Michael throws an extravagant going-away arty for Toby, and falls in love with the woman who is re lacing him. Jim lans to ro ose to Pam at the arty, but gets out-staged. Back at cor orate, Ryan is arrested for fraud.
主演:珍妮·艾加特 琳达·巴塞特 朱迪·帕瑞福特 费奈拉·伍尔加 埃拉·布鲁
简介:1966年,这是对助产士的考验,但随着女权运动的加剧,也有令人兴奋的地方在Trixie的帮助下,Julienne修女决心带领Nonnatus修道院走出财务困境。特纳医生处理了一系列棘手病例,包括一名参与核试验爆炸的退役士兵。同时,修女Monica Joan经历了信仰危机,而修女Frances 意识到她需要少一点“形而上”,因为若真的要与当地妇女产生连接,那就需要“接地气”。在这个时代,有趣的挑战频至,英格兰赢得世界杯的盛大庆祝也正当前。 根据畅销书《詹妮弗·沃斯回忆录》改编的、英国广播公司(BBC)出品的剧集《呼叫助产士》,由Neal Street Productions打造,讲述了20世纪50年代伦敦东区助产士们的工作、生活与情感。这部吸引了超过1000万的观众并多次获奖的电视剧携第10季回归。
主演:薛耿求 全度妍 金宝敏 尹灿荣 金秀珍 李凤莲 朴钟焕 权昭贤 成侑彬
简介: 该片由李钟言执导,讲述了在岁月号事故之后,遗属们和生存下来的人们克服伤痛并治愈的故事。 第55届百想艺术大赏电影类最佳新人导演(提名)李钟言 生日电影网友评论:< class="com">1.全度妍的演技show(正面意思)母亲的形象演得非常立体,悲恸执拗,怨恨痛苦,以至于神经质,压抑发泄后悔不断循环2.放到追思视频,和女孩自白说世浩推了她一把她才能活下去,现在她继续着和朋友的约定,眼泪就开始掉,也被男生们有些无厘头的回答(台风天就想起他)而逗笑,这段编剧功力很足,在前面压抑的情绪铺垫后来了个高潮。3.一想到男孩那么善良光辉用尽全力地活过,就恨不得把世越号失事负责方抽筋拔骨,如果真的是邪教献祭的话,前总统真的是没有良心。4.人类的悲欢并不相通:要抚恤金去投资的伯父,怨恨隔壁丧子母亲的深夜号啕大哭的高复生。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">一想到世越号事件眼泪就止不住的流电影里妹妹害怕水,挣扎着不愿意碰水那个画面我泪奔了,妹妹在电影里没有表现过多的悲伤,一直忍受妈妈间接性的时常,妈妈给哥哥买衣服,她小心翼翼的瞄了眼袋子发现并没有自己的,那个略带失落的神情真的让我五味杂陈。妹妹是很爱哥哥的,哥哥的离开连同那个温柔的妈妈也带走了,这应该是妹妹最难过的地方。电影最后部分给佑燦开生日会的片段真的哭到不能自我,世越号带走了那么多可爱有趣温暖的孩子,留下了一群日日夜夜思念他们的父母。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">导演精雕细琢,说,这部电影题材是岁月号事件,男主是素媛爸爸,女主是密阳妈妈,所以都给我哭,然后我就哭了。也许这也正是这部电影评分平庸的原因。可如果这部生日能和迦百农一样引进的话,评分一定还会上涨,薛叔和全度妍的表演没有任何缺点。某些装逼犯们,别看到个现实题材就说矫情,看到个煽情剧情就说做作,一个模板交给你来拍,你鼓捣出的效果铁定比这部傻逼的多! < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">拍的确实一般般,导演跟着李沧东混,很可惜没有继承,多少这位大手子的功力。全靠着全度妍和李沧东这两位大神撑着,故事上的推进力其实也一般。出狱的男主,以及夫妻间离婚那条线,拍的也确实一般了。全片的高潮,应该就是秀浩那场追思会了,只不过情节推动上,差了好多。不过全薛,那两场哭戏,还算感到我了。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">1、这是一部典型的韩国伤痕电影,有社会事件作为故事雏形,有对现实的反映和政府的影射,有聚焦普通人的精神状态,有韩国电影最擅长的煽情场面,有表演感染力十足的演员阵容;2、不可否认,这场集体情绪爆发是“蓄谋已久”的,在前半部分的慢慢酝酿中,情感走向了高潮,也达到了戳人泪点的效果。 < class="com">哭的脑袋壳疼,缺氧,鼻子堵住,眼睛肿的睁不开,一开始默默流泪,后来直接撕心裂肺。作为韩国剧情电影的死忠粉,已经好久好久没一部这样的电影了,《素媛》的爸爸和《密阳》的妈妈,这两部电影在韩国影史上都是landmark,影帝影后级别的表演。哭舒服了,kindofoutlet < class="com">世界上没有任何一种通用的方式或方法能够让人从丧失至亲骨肉,尤其是一口一口喂大的17岁的暖男儿子,的痛苦中得以解脱。个人认为,这种遇难者互助的行为无异于重复性地伤口上撒盐,与其说是解脱不如说是麻木了。迷信的小设计非常喜欢。男主看着眼熟,一看演过素媛的爸爸……专业户咩?? < class="com">这个故事对于韩国来说就是国殇,难以抹去和永远回响的伤痛。影片着眼点是其中的一个家庭,全度妍在《密阳》里已经有类似的角色也得到了极高的认可,这部片子本可以以小见大四两拨千斤,但主创似乎并没有这样的企图。一个家庭的伤痛和悲喜很感人,但有点浪费了这个题材。 < class="com">还挺难想象一个在出门前还说“下次一起”的人却再也回不来的这种痛。失去至亲后,需要面对的不止是失去吧,还有回忆无孔不入的渗进生活缝隙的存在感。生日会上大家笑着说起秀浩蛮感人,最终也是回忆撑着活着的人更努力的抵达人生岁月的终点。剧情太拖,全度妍真好。 < class="com">剧本太弱了,想到了前段时间看的台剧《我们与恶的距离》里同样遭遇丧子之痛的贾静雯,恶的剧本明显更深层次一些……而这部电影除了想让人哭,看不出更多的什么,如果不是题材,如果不是两位演员,这部电影恐怕超级平庸 < class="com">三星半。这么好的题材以及全度妍薛景求的高级配置,拍成这个样子,还是比较失望。连过度煽情的泪点都不多,也根本不能让我感同身受。全靠影帝影后的演技撑下来。前半段隐忍克制,生日会也牵强。我都没有暴风哭泣。 < class="com">电影不提事件本身而全部着力于事件之后的创伤。只有四分之三的残缺家庭,应对创伤后遗症如何释怀,互助小组的哀悼到底是自欺欺人还是再揭伤疤尚且要打个问号。但是一路强行煽情到底,实在是太过犹不及了。
简介:太逸(黄政民 饰)是一名帮高利贷讨债的小混混,人到中年的他不仅没有份正经的工作,甚至连个住的地方都没有,寄宿在开美发店的哥哥英逸(郭道元 饰)家太逸有着自己的人生哲学,那就是借出去的钱一定得要回来。大大咧咧的他完全不懂得如何尊重女性,亦和浪漫的爱情故事无缘。某日,在去讨债的途中,太逸邂逅了名为周皓婷(韩惠珍 饰)的美丽女子,那一瞬间,太逸懂得了什么叫一见钟情。然而,太逸并不能给予周皓婷她所想要的生活,第一次,太逸决定为了自己之外的人做出改变。然而,面对两人之间巨大的悬殊,太逸能够坚持他的感情吗?与此同时,接二连三发生的意外亦让太逸的生活陷入了麻烦之中。
主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 约翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威尔森 珍娜·费舍 B·J·诺
简介:Season 3, E isode 1: Gay Witch Hunt Original Air Date—21 Se tember 2006 Michael a ologizes to Oscar, after he finds out he's gay, for calling him a homosexual slur--but his a ology outs Oscar to the entire office. And Jim decides to take a romotion at the Stamford office. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 2: The Convention Original Air Date—28 Se tember 2006 Micheal and Dwight go to a convention in Philadel hia and run into Jim, and Michael becomes jealous of Jim's relationshi with his new boss. Meanwhile, Pam gets ready for her first date since her engagement. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 3: The Cou Original Air Date—5 October 2006 Michael is in trouble once again as Jan busts him for declaring it's "Movie Monday" where everyone watches a movie and neglects work. Angela ushes Dwight to make a move on Michael's job while Pam and Jim find creative ways to waste time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 4: Grief Counseling Original Air Date—12 October 2006 Michael takes on the role of office grief counselor when he learns that his old boss has died. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 5: Initiation Original Air Date—19 October 2006 Dwight takes former tem Ryan to his beet farm to initiate Ryan to his new job at Dunder Mifflin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 6: Diwali Original Air Date—2 November 2006 Michael encourages the entire Scranton branch to su ort Kelly and attend a local celebration of Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights. Meanwhile, Andy convinces Jim to turn a late night of work into a drinking game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 7: Branch Closing Original Air Date—9 November 2006 When Jan tells Michael that the Scranton Branch will be shutting down, Michael strives to kee his staff's s irits u . Meanwhile, everyone rivately begins to envision how their lives will change in the aftermath. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 8: The Merger Original Air Date—16 November 2006 Jan informs Michael that the Scanton branch of Dunder Mifflin will be merging with the Stamford Branch. Jim and Pam are reunited while the other em loyees of both branches must adjust to their new co-workers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 9: The Convict Original Air Date—30 November 2006 Michael learns that one of the new em loyees at Dunder Mifflin Scranton has a criminal record. Meanwhile, Jim hel s Andy make a move on Pam. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 10: A Benihana Christmas Original Air Date—14 December 2006 Trouble among the members of the arty lanning committee results with the office having two com eting Christmas arties, but Michael isn't interested in celebrating because he has just broken u with his girlfriend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 11: Back from Vacation Original Air Date—4 January 2007 Michael isn't su osed to let anyone know that he and Jan went on vacation together in Jamaica, but he accidentally circulates a com romising hoto of them to the office via e-mail. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 12: Traveling Salesmen Original Air Date—11 January 2007 Dwight does a favor for Angela to kee her from getting in trouble. Andy finds out and uses it against him to get in tighter with Michael. Now Dwight must fess u , which will reveal his relationshi with Angela, or risk getting fired. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 13: The Return Original Air Date—18 January 2007 Andy does the im ossible--he makes everyone in the office miss Dwight, who is forced to take a job at Sta les. Meanwhile, Oscar comes back to the office and Michael redictably throws a stereoty ical Mexican arty to celebrate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 14: Ben Franklin Original Air Date—1 February 2007 Michael asks Jim to get a male stri er for Phyllis's office bachelorette arty, but he gets a Ben Franklin im ersonator instead. Meanwhile, the men's bachelor arty goes as lanned until Michael becomes uncomfortable with the stri er. Next US airings: Tue. Feb. 17 10:00 PM TBS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 15: Phyllis' Wedding Original Air Date—8 February 2007 Michael exaggerates the im ortance of his small role in Phyllis's wedding and makes an ass out of himself, and Pam notices that Phyllis stole all of her wedding ideas from her original wedding lans. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 16: Business School Original Air Date—15 February 2007 Michael is a guest s eaker for Ryan's business class, but they have a falling-out after Michael finds out that Ryan s oke negatively about Dunder-Mifflin. And back at the office, Dwight tries to kill a bat that he found in the ceiling. Next US airings: Tue. Feb. 17 10:30 PM TBS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 17: Cocktails Original Air Date—22 February 2007 While Michael and Jan go to their first Dunder-Mifflin outing as an official cou le, the office workers left behind go out for ha y hour. During ha y hour, Roy finds out that Jim and Pam kissed at Casino Night. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 18: The Negotiation Original Air Date—5 A ril 2007 Dwight saves Jim from an attack by Roy, but Dwight won't allow Jim to thank him for it. Meanwhile, Darryl asks Michael for a ay raise, and Michael discovers that he is woefully under aid--so Michael goes to headquarters to ask for one himself. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 19: Safety Training Original Air Date—12 A ril 2007 Andy returns to the office after weeks of anger management training, determined to make a fresh start with all the Dunder-Mifflin em loyees. Meanwhile, it's safety training day in the office, and Michael and Dwight are on a mission to illuminate the dangers of the work lace. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 20: Product Recall Original Air Date—26 A ril 2007 Michael tries to be roactive during a watermark crisis, but only makes the situation worse. Meanwhile, Angela has trouble being a ologetic with customers, and Andy discovers a secret about his new girlfriend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 21: Women's A reciation Original Air Date—3 May 2007 Phyllis gets flashed in the arking lot, and Dwight goes all out to secure the remises. Michael ostensibly takes the women in the office to the mall to comfort them, but he's really doing it to get advice about breaking u with Jan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 22: Beach Games Original Air Date—5 May 2007 Michael uses "beach day" at Dunder-Mifflin to find out which em loyee would be his most ca able re lacement, just in case he receives the romotion to the New York office that he's a lied for. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, E isode 23: The Job Original Air Date—17 May 2007 Michael a oints Dwight as regional manager, antici ating that he will receive the job at cor orate. Jim and Karen also interview for the same osition. And Michael gets back together with Jan after she gets a boob job.
主演:珍·斯马特 Hannah Einbinder Rose Abdoo P
简介:“Hacks” ex lores a difficult mentorshi between Deborah Vance (Jean Smart), an old-school Las Vegas comedian whose material is a bit assé, and the entitled, but ambitious 25-year-old writer (Hannah Einbinder) she hires to make her act more relevant.