主演:詹姆斯·麦斯登 金·凯瑞 本·施瓦茨 提卡·森普特 娜塔莎·罗斯韦尔
简介: 改编自世嘉公司出品的风靡全球的电子游戏。电影讲述了拥有音速奔跑能力的刺猬索尼克在地球上展开新生活的故事。索尼克和他的新朋友汤姆(詹姆斯·麦斯登饰)联手保护地球,阻止邪恶的蛋头博士(金·凯瑞饰)统治世界的计划。这部适合全家观看的电影还邀请了迪卡·桑普特参演,本·施瓦茨为索尼克配音。 < class="comment">《刺猬索尼克电影网友评论》 < class="com">很常规的游戏人物来到现实世界的电影,友情建立和任务完成的整体套路和大侦探皮卡丘如出一辙,动作戏又类似于快银,金环变成了传送门又类似于奇异博士,在多方面都没有什么创意与创新的情况下,脸谱化的反派充分证明本片很儿童向合家欢,另外因为初次建模差评如潮又返工,导致上映周期这么久,有些梗早已过时;纵使金凯瑞在努力表现,但是反派真的没有什么魅力,倒是最后他成了蛋头博士还是有点小惊喜。小时候第一次认识索尼克游戏的时候,他的风头还是挺盛的,蓝色的超音速刺猬看起来酷酷的,但近年来的发展并不怎么好,一直追赶的马里奥已经把他甩得越来越远了;如今选择在大荧幕上重振IP,并且彩蛋里塔尔斯出来露了个脸也为续集挖好了坑,希望接下来的电影能做得更好。 < class="com">很标准的合家欢(至少在说话这件事儿上没有皮卡丘那么违和),在看完了《猛禽小队》之后这部的娱乐性已经是神清气爽级别了~索尼克的紧急整容非常管用,现在想想如果这个剧情配上最早预告中的那张脸,真的很邪典了。。。金·凯瑞的神经质表演算是给这个“超级刻板超级二次元”的大反派增加了点儿看头儿,结尾才露出了经典造型。(这个金色环环是不是一位会魔法的医生送给你们的?)就是有个小疑问,用索尼克的能量加速飞船没问题,就相当于神速力了,但是驾驶员并没有相应的反应能力啊,而且连飞船的罩子都是敞开的,除非说是那股能量也以某种形式改变了反派本身,比如相应的脑回路这种。(索尼克的“孤独”也非常简简单单,脑补一下,应该和BVS里小闪的处境非常相似) < class="com">改编自世嘉公司出品的风靡全球的电子游戏,整体上娱乐性十足但故事相对比较套路,速度飞快却孤独的索尼克,与他的人类朋友一起对战反派,并最终和人类成为好朋友。索尼克表现超能力的方式类似闪电侠,形象也比改动之前好不少,金凯瑞饰演的反派延续了他擅长的神经质表演喜感十足。 < class="com">爆米花电影,类似于漫威混搭变形金刚。比较在乎的是制作方之前因为Sonic初版造型设定被网友群嘲,把电影紧急撤档回炉重造这件事——尽管对观众负责这方面值得钦佩,但不知道那些可怜的CG制作人员有没有因为overwork拿到补偿。 < class="com">第一次看到索尼克被搬上真人大荧幕,形象的还原度和配音都非常出色,酒吧那一段个人觉得有点神来之笔,结尾彩蛋里塔尔斯的出现让我没办法不期待第二部,可想而知第三部就该纳克鲁斯登场了,由此正式开启索尼克真人系列。 < class="com">派拉蒙太有诚意了,批评了就会改正,不像某华。。。剧情挺套路的,合家欢电影,片里有致敬flash的桥段,索尼克收集了闪电侠的漫画全集!金凯瑞太骚了,演起这种神经质的角色真的是驾轻熟路。 < class="com">其实这电影比较儿童向,粉丝看可能都会觉得并不多么优秀。剧情特效都就那么回事儿,甚至可以说平庸寡淡。但对我来说,能看到金凯瑞的喜剧演出,虽然戏份并不很多,但也已经很开心了 < class="com">极为套路的剧情毫无新意,但索尼克这只刺猬很讨喜,沙赞加闪电侠一般的存在很亮眼,总感觉欠一点,但是回头再来想,笑点、人设、特效好像又都够了。金凯瑞演蛋头博士正合适! < class="com">好久没看到金凯瑞了,虽然是非常俗套的片子,但是有金凯瑞还是能吸引人看下去的,酒吧里索尼克整人那段跟逆转未来里快银timeinabottle那段简直一模一样。 < class="com">金凯瑞在这片子里回归了经典的表演模式,就是那种处在癫狂的自我状态中,感觉像在看他的一个老角色,但是倍儿亲切,倍儿怀念。只要他一出场,我眼睛就没离开过他。 < class="com">千篇一律的表达、“乐此不疲”的市场和疲倦的审美体验,好莱坞这股真人化的情怀热到底要持续到什么时候啊!网大格局,快餐制作,最后的阁楼密室是帕丁顿熊情结么? < class="com">拍得其实还不错,剧情工整,节奏紧凑。某些片段像闪电侠和快银,只能说技能设定如此。真人大电影迟至今年才推出,原创都变抄袭了。最后,反派竟然是金凯瑞?!
主演:帕特里克·斯图尔特 凯蒂·霍尔姆斯 吉安卡罗·埃斯波西托 DonAnd
语言:英语 法
简介: 帕特里克·斯图尔特、凯蒂·霍尔姆斯、吉安卡罗·埃斯波西托加盟新片[礼物](TheGift,暂译)。该片由ClaudeLalonde执导,LouisGodbout编剧。凯蒂扮演的音乐评论家,是一位老钢琴家(帕特里克饰)的精神支柱。在她不幸离世后,钢琴家来到瑞士,完成了精神的救赎。该片目前在瑞士拍摄。
主演:杰森·普雷斯利 Jason Priestley 辛迪·桑普森 贝瑞·弗
简介:The original crime-solving series Private Eyes is a 10-e isode rocedural drama that follows ex- ro hockey layer Matt Shade (Jason Priestley) who irrevocably changes his life when he decides to team u with fierce P.I. Angie Everett (Cindy Sam son) to form an unlikely investigative owerhouse. Through their new artnershi , Shade is forced to examine who he has become and who he wants to be. Ongoing e isodes find Shade and Angie investigating high-stakes crimes in the worlds of horse racing, fine dining, Toronto's vibrant hi -ho scene, scandalous literature, magic clubs, and more.
主演:亚尼克·比森 克雷格·汤姆斯 海琳·乔伊 强尼·哈里斯 乔吉娜·瑞利
导演:Don McCutcheon
简介:Detective Murdoch finds that the man behind a flying machine that crashes in Toronto is none other than his old nemesis, James Pendrick. He learns that Pendrick is ho ing to win a $1 million rize for the first controlled flight. A body is found in the rubble of the crash but someone is clearly out to steal his invention. Murdoch also has to deal with Ottawa-based s ymaster Terence Meyers who says it's all a national security matter. Meanwhile, Julia returns from Vienna intent on racticing sychiatry. She's also ho ing to have her marriage to D'Arcy annulled.
主演:亚尼克·比森 海琳·乔伊 克雷格·汤姆斯 强尼·哈里斯 Patrick
简介: Murdoch is in Bristol, England, with no memory of who he is and two gunmen chasing him through the streets. With the hel of a local ub Landlady he starts to iece together an assassination lot. In Toronto Detective Hamish Sloack is assigned to hel find the missing Murdoch
主演:亚尼克·比森 海琳·乔伊 克雷格·汤姆斯 强尼·哈里斯 Patric
简介:Murdoch is in Bristol, England, with no memory of who he is and two gunmen chasing him through the streets. With the hel of a local ub Landlady he starts to iece together an assassination lot. In Toronto Detective Hamish Sloack is assigned to hel find the missing Murdoch.
主演:亚尼克·比森 克雷格·汤姆斯 海琳·乔伊 强尼·哈里斯 乔吉娜·瑞利
简介:Murdoch and Ins ector Brackenreid are aboard the SS Keewatin after the owner, Clarence MacFarlane, receives what he believes is a threat. The Keewatin is about to de art from Toronto on its maiden voyage destined for Rochester, N.Y. and Murdoch thinks they should stay on board, es ecially after he sees that Julia is one of the invited guests. Their resence roves useful after MacFarlane's daughter Amy, who is engaged to her father's chief financial officer Owen Mathers, falls overboard and is nowhere to be found. As Murdoch investigates he finds there is a real threat against the Keewatin and the true facts behind Amy's disa earance.
主演:亚尼克·比森 克雷格·汤姆斯 海琳·乔伊 乔吉娜·瑞利 强尼·哈里斯
简介:Season five of Murdoch Mysteries o ens in unfamiliar territory, as Detective William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) leaves Toronto to try his luck while the Klondike Gold Rush in the Yukon winds down. Sus ended for interfering in an investigation, on the run for surre titiously freeing a murderer to make amends, and nursing a broken heart after Dr. Ogden's marriage to another man, he tries to esca e his ast, and his assion for detective work. Back in the city, newly romoted Chief Constable Giles (Nigel Bennett) makes it clear to Ins ector Thomas Brackenreid (Thomas Craig), that he'll be kee ing a very close eye on olice matters. Meanwhile, Murdoch's beloved former associate, Dr. Julia Ogden (Hélène Joy), is now working alongside Acting Detective George Crabtree (Jonny Harris) and Dr. Emily Grace (Georgina Reilly), a feisty young rotégé. In the remote north, Murdoch is leased to discover that his fledgling ros ecting career may garner great success, a small comfort after Julia's marriage to another man. But as he tries to rebuild his life, he finds himself drawn into the case of Mrs. Elizabeth Bryant (Jill Half enny), an innkee er charged with murder. The lot thickens when writer Jack London (Aaron Ashmore) lends his insights, and Murdoch soon realizes that while he had ho ed to leave his shattered heart and tattered career back in Toronto, his days as a detective are not behind him.