简介: Orhan who lived in London for years and did not come back to Turkey agrees to hel Deniz -a famous director- edit his first book. Deniz has been living in a mansion with his family which started to lose its old brightness and ower. Orhan finds himself in the middle of Deniz's com licated relationshi s, mysterious friends and stange family members. This is the first movie of Ferzan Oz etek which is shot in Turkey after a long time. It is also based on his own book which has the same name with the movie
主演:卡安·乌尔甘哲奥卢 蕾·瓦蕾拉 穆菲特·卡亚坎 梅尔特·亚则哲奥卢
简介:The story begins in today Istanbul, when a woman called Işık (Bade İşçil) arrives at an old house. There she recalls the ast and friends of her youth. Back in 1998, a grou of young eo le (Eda, Osman, Sinan and Kerem) studying in a school of Istanbul are at risk of exclusion because of their oor behaviour. They are very different from their classmates and, therefore, very lonely. A headmaster and most of the teachers are against them, and only one called Burcu (Pınar Deniz) does her best to rotect the youngsters. However, they find out that Burcu is getting relocated, and this means that all of them will be excluded after her de arture. In order to revent this, students unite and make a lan: they will make Burcu fall in love so that she stays in Istanbul. According to the law, after marriage she will be able to choose a lace of work by herself. They ask for hel from Işık, an excellent student and a girl with a big heart. Soon she becomes a art of their com any. This union hel s the students change for the better, understand themselves, realize the im ortance of true friendshi , find love and their own way in life. At the same time, their lan hel s Burcu change her outlook on life and find true love with a new unsociable teacher called Kemal (Kaan Urgancıoğlu).
主演:克莱门泰·波达兹 大卫·樱井 AliciaKapudag DefneH
简介: 霍莉小时候父亲和姐姐都被母亲杀害,长大后结婚但不想有小孩,此时霍莉许久不见的闺蜜出现,带霍莉夫妇去参加一个邪教,回家后霍莉产生幻觉,并记起不堪回首的过去 家庭主妇电影网友评论:< class="com">这篇洛氏风味十足,剥皮手法与01年的Dagon如出一辙,至于所谓邪教教主本身就非人类而是眷族,这样一来剧情上一些BUG也顺理成章了。诞下神子的手法让人想起血源里的无形之神欧顿,穿越时间的设定应该是参考了。全片气氛完全呈现了不可名状的恐怖,古神降生那段更是扑面而来的疯狂,看完之后我灵视涨了99点。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">首先这片子背景,配乐和表现方式很不错。先说剧情女主小时候成长于母亲的邪教信徒氛围中,某天一次惊吓中错手杀了自己的姐姐,原因自己看(重点)。女主逃跑,数年后女主成年被传教士找到帮女主重拾记忆,摆脱恐惧并成功博取信任,被控于梦境,帮助其完成仪式产下魔种(克鲁苏)虽然这里很牵强,但看过还是觉得很不错。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">中间一段看得云里雾里,反正最终是成功的让克总降临了,来看看自己的新媳妇和儿子,特效虽然不咋地,但是意思还是到了。这里有2个疑问:第一是,一般在古书的记载中,神明都是特别在乎处女的,那为什么要选女主?难道克总也知道地球女拳惹不起?第二是以克总的本事那不是随便降临随便霍霍吗?干嘛还搞得这么复杂? < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">双性恋女主与丈夫偶遇曾经开放式婚姻中的邪教女友,殊不知是个有关女主黑暗过去的陷阱,邪教团体与女主有着藕断丝连的神秘关系,男首座巧妙诱惑女主走向黑暗。这剧情理解的不是很清晰,不过女一号把女主一副欲求不满的神态演得非常棒,难怪她会玩开放式婚姻。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">看完也不知道这部影片和片名"家庭主妇"究竟有什么关系。一句话概括剧情:家里有人信邪教,子女肯定会疯掉。PS唯二亮点:亚裔邪教头目长相好有味道身材好赞。最后女主全裸抱着婴儿站在雪中的镜头好美好有意境。 < class="com">画面,摄影,配乐,视觉效果都很棒,尤其是最后,可是你这剧情也太糊弄了吧。不过倒是有两个地方吓到我,一个是小孩子抓女主头发,另一个是床边起来一个人影。剧情一颗星,视觉画面摄影一颗星,最后结尾一颗星。 < class="com">一脸懵逼看完之后就两个字:啥呀?塞了很多意向进去,梦境与现实啊,马桶啊,邪教和血腥仪式啊,预知和宿命啊,最后还有一点都不克苏鲁的克苏鲁……但是故事讲得太细碎了,而且我怎么觉得这么像遗传厄运呢…… < class="com">邪教好阔 ia!最后是克鲁苏触手?死人就死人地狱就地狱咧跟克鲁苏啥关系那不是鬼怪还是妖魔咯?那是女主的家族遗传就是theone!演绎这一场圣魔的血祭现场!看不太懂 < class="com">一部匪夷所思的电影,很多惊喜,很恐怖,看的我一身一身的冷汗,都是我惧怕的内容,片尾超震撼,各种呼应,很多地方设计巧妙,是一部另类的惊悚恐怖片,给邪教又摸一层黑。 < class="com">应该是邪教喻意的恐怖桥段,催眠象征教义,教众推选下一代女教主,天空的魔幻触角仿佛在宣誓自己的存在感,关家庭主妇P事呵,不好看;女主在面盆上厕所很开脑洞。 < class="com">马桶阴影,多重梦境,伞穿头颅,生拔面皮,云端触手上古邪神……入戏有点慢,但重口味还成,可惜和《遗传厄运》题材有点重复,没对比就没伤害啊 < class="com">刚开始到最后…总有一种看不懂到底是啥的感觉,甚至在后期都分辨不出是梦境还是现实,不过带着克总血统的作品不是一贯如此~那个仪式很带感~