主演:GenevièveLemon KarenColston TomLyco
简介: 主演:GenevièveLemon/KarenColston/TomLycos/JonDarling/DorothyBarr导演:简·坎皮恩语言:英语地区:澳大利亚编剧:简·坎皮恩/GerardLee类型:剧情/喜剧上映时间:1989-09-28别名:甜姐儿用户标签:澳大利亚,简·坎皮恩,Jane_Cam ion,JaneCam ion,CC,1989,1980s,澳大利亚电影片长:97分钟imdb编号:tt0098725 凯伊(KarenColston饰)总是与妹妹朵恩(GenevièveLemon饰)不合,朵恩破坏她的衣物,勾引她的男朋友路易斯,性格任性又暴躁,没有朋友,邻居小男孩是唯一亲近她的人。朵恩将男友鲍勃带到家里住,两人肆无忌惮地疯狂做爱,使得凯伊非常不满最后将鲍勃赶了出去。某日父亲在母亲离家后拜访凯伊,他爱妹妹朵恩却对她无计可施。在咖啡馆,他希望身为制作人的鲍勃能带朵恩进入影视圈,好圆她的梦想。母亲给凯伊来信邀请她和路易斯去看望她,朵恩坐在汽车里固执地坚持要去。父亲最后只好打了假电话谎称鲍勃有演出信息要找朵恩,趁朵恩接电话之时一家人开车绝尘而去。当他们返家时,发现朵恩的怪诞行为更加变本加厉…… 第42届戛纳电影节主竞赛单元金棕榈奖(提名)简·坎皮恩 甜妹妹电影网友评论:< class="com">1erlongdeCam ionsingulierauréoléd1étrangetéoniriqueetlynchienne.Le ortraitauxfemmesémanci ées,sonthèmefétiche,s’esquisseicids1cadrefamilial.L’omni résencedeméta horesetlacom ositionsubtilede lans résagentledébutd1forte ersonnalité < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">国庆的时候炮友推荐的,直到现在才看。是一部很怪很怪的电影....凯害怕自己家里院子里长出的小树,实际是害怕甜妹妹将所有宠爱都夺走。而整篇影片几乎都是围绕着争夺展开的:路易,掉在地上的硬币,院里的树苗,凯的爸妈,甜妹妹的宠爱,还有整个家庭的怪诞别扭的关心份额分配。赞美影片最后一段小时候的甜妹妹的歌唱以及凯和路易裸身躺在床上的对话。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">可以算得上是白开水级别的佳作,要不是观影活动放映一个人是很难看得下去的,整个故事描述得太白开水了。通过姐姐的视角来展现2个女主,而妹妹才是片名强调的女主,这个设定很NB,看到影片结局死去的妹妹唱歌时才明白过来。要说主题,当然是“不离不弃withlove”。许多人看完影片之后自我代入真受不鸟 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">4超喜歡ThePiano於是去了看導演第一部正式長片的screening.膠片質感果然是數字取代不了的,各種顏色對比在大銀幕上更顯鮮艷奪目。扭曲病態的家庭關係,自私的父愛,拒絕長大的Sweetie,暗喻童星的悲劇。雖然是低成本但攝影打光美指都非常細膩,結局點題那首歌提升了整部電影的結局。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">简·坎皮恩处女长片,非常个人化的一部作品,有些晦涩,构图和画面很精美,色彩也很夺目,略微俯视的机位将人脸置于画面下层边角很有特色,导演以女性视角来阐述这部电影,并将此片献给她的妹妹...几个点:女主对于树的恐惧,画外音的运用,与妹妹的情感隔阂,歌声淡入(开头)和淡出(结尾)情绪... < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">很少看这样怪调调的电影。蕾丝加碎花加阳光也能营造出人性中看不到的绝望尽头。女主凯莉和她的妹妹sweetie都有病,但是凯莉的病症比较轻,顶多是性格阴暗、迷信和不合群。大量的广角镜头让人感受到凯莉私人世界的荒凉。而她的妹妹多恩则是让人无法理解的怪异。父母的一再纵容造就了多恩的过世。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">4.5非常私人化的电影,看得出来片子的很多元素都来自坎皮恩个人,两相对立却又同样anormal的姐妹家庭冲突戏码都被她强烈的视觉影像风格【大量高角度与广角镜头,怪诞偏执的构图】给冲调成了一剂绝酿,树成了爱情亲情中无法排解的无力感的线索隐喻。中段西部旅行一段最赞。爱情就是性和勇气。 < class="com">戛纳金棕榈大奖《钢琴课》导演处女作。寄情于树,又诅咒树。唾弃它的枯枝淡叶,又恐惧它的盘根错节。甜妹妹就有那么一棵树,它让姐姐害怕,树上有她的城堡,她就是公主。可随着岁月的流逝,她与世事格格不入,梦想很远爱情很假,回归于树,城堡开始坍塌。其象征性,让人想起《hello!树先生》! < class="com">格外地喜欢这类建立在一个小范围的不寻常的故事——从3、5个人的生活圈里反映大的状态。故事叙述简朴,并不像之前所接触的或所设想的胖女孩的故事——悲剧、挣扎、悔过、博得同情,故事很大一部分都是借由女主角凯伊的角度诉出,很有意思。喜欢:树和sweetie的对照&破碎了的陶瓷马。 < class="com">通过姐姐的生活,穿插了一位怪异的妹妹,在溺爱的环境中成为身边人都不可理解的人,讲述生活中的敏感的情感与内心的孤独。很反感对坎皮恩的电影扯上女权主义,她只不过从女性的视觉察觉女性的微妙情感来反映生活中而已。她总是娓娓叙述一个故事,可谓是一位“小说家”风格的导演。 < class="com">看了三分之二放不出来了。一星给摄影,一星给表演吧。几乎完全脱离叙事和「角色」,讲究符号,形式和自我表达是真的真的不喜欢,感觉像是一个小学生由于各种各样的原因被闯入了大学,最后无奈只能写论文来表达这一切。唯一的用处就是给我提了个醒吧,谢谢导演。。 < class="com">1.文化多样性有多必要,不然去哪里才能有这样100分钟奇妙体验呢!2.姐妹之间这种关系,让我想到另外一个片子FatGirl(2005),后面妹妹及制片人,以及爸爸妈妈先后加入了影片,好戏就真的开演了,尤其是妈妈的歌唱才华展示,但旋即结束。
主演:BensonJackAnthony JordanHare Rahart
简介: 病气少年伊森酷爱Emo庞克乐,因故被迫转学,加入怪咖云集的反骨摇滚团,却意外爱上校园死对头福音乐团的萌萌美少女。在爱情与同侪间拉扯的他,该如何抉择?负能量爆表的青春音乐喜剧,宛如迪斯尼《歌舞青春》暗黑版,犀利调侃高校小圈圈文化和标签框架,以厌世颓废的词曲,谱出勇敢做自己的生存之道 < style="text-align:center;"> < style="text-align:center;"> < style="text-align:center;"> < style="text-align:center;"> < style="text-align:center;"> < style="text-align:center;">
简介: What if most of our modern diseases are really just sym toms of the same roblem? The Magic Pill is a character-driven documentary that follows doctors, atients, scientists, chefs, farmers and journalists from around the globe who are combating illness through a aradigm shift in eating. And this sim le change -- embracing fat as our main fuel -- is showing rofound romise in im roving the health of eo le, animals and the lanet.@追高
简介: Just over 40 years ago, marriage in China was arranged by the state. Romantic love was seen as a ca italist conce t and was not allowed during this eriod. Wedding hotogra hy (if any at all) consisted of one black and white ass ort hoto of the cou le (dressed in Mao- style outfits) as roof of the marriage. Now, China has fallen in love with love and its ex loding wedding industry is worth 80 billion dollars, and it is on an u ward curve. Pre-wedding hotogra hy is one of the most significant and curious arts of the industry. Every cou le marrying in China will take art in a re-wedding shoot. It involves several costume and backdro changes where you can become a character in any fantasy you choose. For the most exotic lo- cations cou les ay u to $250,000 AUD. Pre-wedding hoto shoots have become an im ortant national ritual. They are roof of the marriage but now also of love, romance, freedom, status, money and the new China Dream. As an ex at living in Shanghai with a long history of coming to China, Sino hile hotogra her Olivia Mar- tin-McGuire was ca tivated by the construction of dreams through this booming hotogra hic world. Once she started to delve dee er into this new traditional she found a unique window into China. One that revealed a country dreaming, a country ra idly booming and a country reconstructing its recent ast trauma all through their own lens. China Love takes us on a wild journey into the warmth of the family web in China into the hearts of our characters and into their ersonal dreams with an understanding of why and where these as irations come from. The roject ex lores China's new osition as a globalised country from its restrictive and highly traditional ast - through the window of its booming wedding industry and asks what is the new China Dream when it comes to love
主演:Sasa Sestic Sam Corra Roland Fraval
简介: THE COFFEE MAN follows Sasa from Ethio ia, the birth lace of coffee to Seattle, Washington (USA), the home of the s ecialty coffee movement and host of the World Barista Cham ionshi . From humble beginnings in war-torn Yugoslavia to his ado ted home in Australia, Sasa Sestic's journey to the 2015 World Barista Cham ionshi s is a long one. But his dedication and ursuit of excellence carries him through as do his family, his staff, coffee growers and roasters and the vendors who travel with him on this remarkable journey. THE COFFEE MAN is an intensely ersonal, observational documentary that will have you biting your nails, standing u and cheering; and wishing that you, too, could ex erience Sasa's Holy Grail: the erfect cu of coffee