简介: 吴哥窟(高棉文)位于柬埔寨西北部,在暹粒市北5.5公里。原始的名字是VrahVishnulok,意思为“毗湿奴的神殿”。中国元代古籍《岛夷志略》称之为“桑香佛舍”。它是吴哥古迹中,保存得最完好的的庙宇,以建筑宏伟与浮雕细致闻名于世,是世界上最大的庙宇,也是一座巨大的水上都市。十二世纪的吴哥王朝国王苏利耶跋摩二世希望在平地兴建一座规模宏伟的石窟庙山,作为吴哥王朝的太庙。因此举全国之力,花了大约30年建造。吴哥窟建成于12世纪前半。吴哥窟绝非供大群信徒朝拜的西式的教堂或东方寺院,而是一座宏伟的太庙,供奉化身为印度教之神的国王。吴哥窟结合了高棉历代庙宇建筑的两个基本的元素:立体庙山的多层方坛和平地庙宇的回廊。吴哥窟的庙山由三层长方形有回廊环绕的平台组成,层层高迭,形如金字塔,象征印度神话中位于世界中心的须弥山。庙山顶部矗立著按五点梅花式排列的五座宝塔,象征须弥山的五座山峰。三道回廊象征须弥山所在地的土、水、风;庙山周边环绕一道护城河,象征环绕须弥山的咸海。多年从事吴哥窟维修工作的法国远东学院古迹维修专家莫里斯·格莱斯认为“吴哥窟是吴哥古迹中以造型之雄伟、布局之平衡、比例之协调、线条之优美,威风赫赫,可比美世界上任何最杰出的建筑成就,而毫不逊色。”。1992年,联合国教科文组织将吴哥古迹列入世界文化遗产,世界各地来吴哥窟观光的游客一持续增加,从1993年不到一万人次,迄至2007年已达二百万人次,吴哥窟已成为旅游胜地。一百多年来,世界各国投入大量资金在吴哥窟的维护工程上,以保护这份世界文化遗产。吴哥窟的造型,从1863年开始就已经成为柬埔寨国家的标志,展现在柬埔寨国旗上。本纪录片将跟随一支考古学专家队伍进入柬埔寨;在那里他们将运用最新的激光扫描技术来发掘环绕着吴哥窟和中古世界最伟大的大都市周围的秘密
简介: In the UK over £9 billion a year are s ent on beauty roducts that romise to im rove and transform us. But how much of what these roducts romise is based in scientific evidence, and how much is sim ly marketing mani ulation?&nbs Cherry Healey teams u with inde endent scientists to ut everyday cosmetics to the test like never before. In a groundbreaking study carried out by the University of Sheffield, and with the hel of 25 volunteers, she discovers that moisturisers might not have the benefits eo le think they do.
简介: The new series on Renaissance ainting, written and resented by Matthew Collings, begins with an artistic investigation into one of the most radiant and beautiful images in all of art history, The Madonna of the Meadow, ainted in 1505 by Ra hael Renaissance art has become art of the 21st-century heritage industry but when Ra hael was alive, it was a startling new form of visual ex ression, and Ra hael's vibrant 'realism' was striking and fresh. It became the model for western art for the next 400 years, right u until the birth of Modernism. As much as it was a cultural 'rebirth', the Renaissance was also a revolution in ideas about reality. Matthew Collings sets out to remind us of how radical Renaissance aintings were when they were made, as well as o ening our eyes to what is still truly great about them. In this rogramme he deconstructs The Madonna of the Meadow with the hel of the very latest high-resolution digital technology, which allows him to ex lore the inner secrets of Ra hael's ainterly effects with a clarity and at a level of detail never before seen on television. As Matthew says, it is a journey 'to the other side of an illusion', revealing how Ra hael created the alluring images that were so a ealing to his wealthy Renaissance clients - including the Po e - and which entranced artists for centuries after his death. Matthew ex lains the secret to Ra hael's vibrant colour harmonies, which the artist gras ed intuitively, long before the advent of colour 'theory'; and Ra hael also knew how to ex loit colour effects to create the im ression of extraordinary de th in his aintings.
简介: 很多事情,就发生在我们身边,我们却浑然不知...这些事情,我们视为理所当然,却不知道其中的道理为何...现在,我们就一起解密发生在身边的各种被我们忽视的奇妙事件~第一集人体的奥秘我们都是成功者!因为我们在几亿个精子中脱颖而出!关于人类的受精过程有着怎样的坎坷?咱们为什么会有隔代遗传?人为什么会放屁?感冒是咋回事儿?人体就是寄生虫乐园?!饶了我吧!咱们一起解开人体的那些奥秘!第二集宇宙的奥秘大爆炸理论谁不知道啊~问题是,这个理论到底是肿么回事儿?科学家都搞不懂啊~我们的宇宙从何而来?发展方向如何?又将如何结束?除了我们,还有没有地外生命?平行宇宙到底是个啥?别着急,睁大眼睛!我们一起奔向宇宙吧!第三集天气的奥秘天气预报也太不准了!地球人都吃过天气预报的亏!可是,为什么这么不准还有存在的必要呢?刮风下雨冰雹雪花,这都是怎么出现的?春夏秋冬为什么一直按顺序交替?微气候是什么?关于天气的各种疑问将会在这个片子中得到解答~还等什么