主演:保罗·特尔弗 伊丽莎白·帕金斯 西恩·奥斯汀 Leeanna Wals
主演:Paul Sun-Hyung Lee Jean Yoon Simu L
导演:Peter Wellington James Genn Dawn Wilkinson
简介: 故事发生在一间位于多伦多市中心的便利店内,经营店铺的是金氏夫妇,他们在80年代移民来到了多伦多,依靠着不懈的努力在这里站稳了脚跟,生儿育女传宗接代。金家的儿子脾气非常火爆,在16岁那一年,儿子阿君和父亲之间爆发了一场剧烈的争吵,最终两人谈崩了,儿子选择了离家出走,再也不和父亲有任何的交际,但是他和母亲以及妹妹之间的关系却还算良好。妹妹珍妮特目前是一名大学生,正在一家艺术大学里学习摄影课程,希望以后能够成为一名摄影师。妈妈和妹妹都希望阿君和父亲能够重修旧好,但这显然是一条充满了荆棘的漫长道路
主演:帕特里克·麦高汉 Angelo Muscat Peter Swanwi
导演:George Markstein Patrick McGoohan
简介:ITV六十年代之经典科幻 sonychen 注 A high-ranking but un-named Agent in the British Government resigns from his job ost and leaves for a holiday. While acking he is gassed and is taken to a beautiful but deadly rison known only as "The Village" where eo le are taken, given a Number to be called by and ke t there for the rest of their lives if they don't tell No. 2 (the de uty head of "The Village") the information they are ca tured for. Esca e is nearly im ossible as "The Village" has amazing but deadly wea ons to use if anybody tries to esca e. The Agent is given the title of "No. 6" but he ado ts the name of "The Prisoner". The series tells of his attem ts to resist the lots of each No. 2 (who is re laced with another if an attem t on No. 6 fails) to get his information and against any attem t to disru t the nearly eaceful running of the "The Village". The Village is determined to crack The Prisoner by attem ting to get the answer to why he resigned from his job ost. As time goes on, two questions lague The Prisoner's mind - How can he esca e and who is the real leader of the Village - the mysterious No. 1?. Written by Lee Horton {Leeh@tc .co.uk}