主演:Scott Jacoby Pippa Scott John Larch
简介:A shy teenager accidentally kills a mocking peer, and his mother helps him hide in a spare room in their house. Problems arise when the mother goes for an operation and dies, and the house is sold to a new family, with the teen still living inside. Written by Kyle Palkowski Scott Jacoby, a nerdy high school youth, accidently kills a neighbor's young daughter. Panicking mother, Kim Hunter, fears the police will not believe that it was an accident. She moves her son into a bathroom that she turned into a secret hiding place. After her death, a new family moves in. In the mean time, Ronald has gotten lost in a fantasy world created in his own head from being hidden away for so long. Written by Humberto Amador
主演:An?elka Prpi? 卢博米尔 班多维奇 Janko Popov
简介: Six years after her husband, a prominent Belgrade lawyer, died in a fire, Anja Kolar receives information that makes her question everything she thought she knew about the accident and about her own family as well. At the same time the sudden death of his best friend's daughter draws police inspector Dejan Strbac into a whirlpool of crimes, starting with the mysterious disappearance of a young female lawyer, which took place six years earlier.
主演:EmilyPerkins BrendanFletcher Kathar
简介: 主演:EmilyPerkins/BrendanFletcher/KatharineIsabell导演:BrettSullivan语言:英语地区:加拿大编剧:KarenWalton/MeganMartin类型:惊悚/恐怖上映时间:2004-01-30 别名:用户标签:加拿大,恐怖,惊悚,狼人,2004,恐怖电影,灵异,加拿大电影片长:94分钟imdb编号:tt0353489 在上一集中,侥幸逃脱的妹妹布丽奇特亲眼目睹了姐姐金吉变成狼人的痛苦,所以她试图用药物来对抗身上蕴涵的狼人基因发作。结果她由于手臂上针孔累累而被人误认为是瘾君子,投入戒毒医院中。与此同时,彻底变为狼人的金吉并没有停止对妹妹的追逐,布丽奇特想方设法想逃出医院,因为她呆在这里越久,就会给其他人带来越大的危险,但是她不知道的是,另外一个恐怖的恶魔其实早就潜藏在这所医院里…… 变种女狼2电影网友评论:< class="com">♥总之接着前集看比较好。戒毒所里居然有集体自慰这堂课。小女孩演的很好,貌似天真,实乃邪恶。★★★★D253(D5/预告片)。H107 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">明显不如1,只有小女孩是个亮点,顺便说句,豆瓣的简介就是瞎写的,电影的字幕做得也如狗屎,明显的错误多如牛毛,还不如不用字幕直接看…… < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">你看嘛,又是等要配种的时候找个对象就是这么的难!呃,虽然你是一只小灰狼,我是一只灰太狼,咿呀咿呀哟~ < class="com">时隔四年,不知道是不是电脑技术进步太多。整个电影比1精致多了,气氛也好很多。就是结局不知所谓。 < class="com">小女孩喜欢上狼女假装被强奸害死炮男铁饼砸死狼人推入陷阱自己也被女孩囚禁其中 < class="com">永远别相信熊孩子,居然没想到是#黑色孤儿#女主角演的,当时演技就那么出色 < class="com">最后小女孩的反转加一星。就不大明白布里吉特怎么发现小姑娘烧伤自己奶奶的。 < class="com">没看过1,就看了2。是不是错过了什么。心理变态的loli演技满分 < class="com">卧槽尼玛第一部那么好看,第二部成这鸟样了?要啥没啥,差距太大了 < class="com">比第一部差哦~~除了女主角是靓女~~其他都不知道想表达什么。。 < class="com">大嘴拿的碟,和别人一起看的,我竟然看过这片,自己都不相信! < class="com">很喜欢1小时20分钟,拿三个透明玻璃大碗装薯片吃,真爽