主演:Nut Supanut Lourhaphanich Petch Cha
简介: Or haned at a very young age, Gui, a fourth-year engineering student, has had to work hard and earn for himself for as long as he can remember. Still, through the test of time, he still has a soft demeanor and a smile on his face. Solo, a freshman in the Faculty of Music, can get anything he wants with a flick of his wrist. Money, fame, good looks, the boy has everything, exce t his smile. When Solo's mother assed away, she took with him his smile. Nothing could fill this missing hole in him... that is — until one day when he sees a smiling boy working at a cafe. One night the two worlds collide in a small coffee sho . For a cu of hot milk and a warm smile, Solo finds himself back in the cafe every night. For a soft boy who reminds him of a husky, Gui finds himself waiting for a late-night visitor with a cu of hot milk, night after night. Night after night, the two boys continue to meet. At the same s ot, at the same time, until they soon come to realize that they have become each other's breath. A necessity. Just like Oxygen
主演:SornramTheppitak AnanBoonnark
简介: Nai与其弱智的哥哥Nung相依为命。他们认识了一个梦想成为歌星的女孩Pim,在Nai与Pim之间有著微妙的感觉。后来Pim梦想成真,在一次的歌唱比赛中受到Thana的赏识被栽培为歌星。不幸的是,Nung因为造成当地的流氓Berm被捕而遭其报复,两兄弟被逼逃亡。当Nai与Nung重遇Pim时,Thana正在热烈追求Pim...< class="comment">《筑梦者电影网友评论》足球运动员时期的Num很消瘦哦。最爱那个他半个脸在阴影里的镜头,侧颜值最高了。还有多首Num演唱的歌曲,都很深情和动听。Num和Ning合作的第一部,两人看着那么般配。Ning演技的确不错,有新星的架势。最后10分钟有点无语,Ning那个浓妆真不适合她。 < class="com">明明都挺一般的看着消磨时间还不错结果怎么最后来那么一段整个就一败笔!!!!!!!! < class="com">无论取得了什么成就,都请不要在你困难失意时给过你鼓励的人。心存感恩,才不会忘本。 < class="com">男主很帅啊,女主很漂亮啊,都很纯啊,怎么会说长相不好看呢,生气了 < class="com">筑梦者好看,是部励志片,num的眼神有很多内容,值得观赏。 < class="com">好純情的老電影。(其實不算老,只是上個世紀末而已) < class="com">97年的片子,很难要求什么。NUM当年好嫩啊~~~ < class="com">我承认我是 ''num脑残粉。 < class="com">普通的爱情故事,结尾挺喜欢的 < class="com">我大叔演的!那是必须好看! < class="com">很简单却很动人的故事 < class="com">一个长相也不好看