简介:一面是万丈深渊,一面是悬崖绝壁,当她恢复知觉,发现自己身陷险境,生与死就在咫尺之间是坐以待毙,还是绝地求生?她用残破的肢体摸索活下去的可能,但正在这样的绝境之中,岂料天公不作美,一场暴雨即将来临…… 本片由澳大利亚导演Tim Egan拍摄,从最初的概念到拍摄脚本,只花了8个小时的时间,短片剧本受到导演生命中两个关键时刻的启发——一次严重的车祸,以及和一个沮丧的朋友的交谈。“我依旧记得我的手指扣在湿漉漉的路面上的那种感觉。”当时他被撞倒在繁忙的交通中心的车道上,无助的躺在沥青柏油之间,随时可能被第二辆车碾过。 不可否认导演的亲身经历让他对死亡的恐惧,以及求生的本能都有了更真切的认识。本片的细节刻画相当出色,角色的每一个动作都生死攸关,而在共同承担这令人窒息的紧张氛围的同时,内心的强大在外部恶劣的条件下却又那样不堪一击。 Tim Egan凭借这部黑暗风格的极简主义短片,一举拿下2016纽约翠贝卡电影节(Tribeca Film Festival)官方选择奖、西班牙锡切斯奇幻电影节(Sitges Film Festival)最佳短片奖、美国奇幻电影节(Fantastic Fest)、法国PIFFF电影节金瞳奖、俄罗斯TIFF电影节最佳短片奖等众多奖项。
主演:Laura James Robert Allen Mukes John
简介:After years on the run, the mystery man known as Trick is back, but not on his own terms. Trick finds himself trapped in a cage with four other hostages - all of them paralyzed from the neck down. When Trick realizes that one of the other hostages is an old foe, Detective Epperson, the two begin working together to uncover the connection between them and their captor - a masked man they suspect is the infamous Deathstalker Killer. Meanwhile, Agent Bobby Church of the FBI is investigating Epperson's disappearance and discovers the detective vanished while he had been following a lead in the Deathstalker case. The search soon has Church crossing paths with Epperson's former partner, Scott, himself looking into the abduction of his friend, Olivia. After Scott and Church discover cellphone pictures of Olivia in the cage with both Trick and Epperson, they know they must race against the clock to find the location of the cage before time runs out, and the hostages are executed one-by-one.