主演:杰西卡·托维 蒂姆·菲利普斯 皮帕·布莱克 蒂姆·波考克 Andrew
简介:A couple of Australians introduce three American backpackers to the local legend of Lemon Tree Passage where a ghost of a motorcyclist warns young drivers to slow down. After seeing the ghost first hand they uncover a malevolent force that posses the area and threatens to wreak havoc on the final days of their vacation. Isolated and ten thousand miles from home, the tourists find themselves caught in the clutches of an evil force much more heinous than the local myth believed.
主演:Laura James Robert Allen Mukes John
简介:After years on the run, the mystery man known as Trick is back, but not on his own terms. Trick finds himself trapped in a cage with four other hostages - all of them paralyzed from the neck down. When Trick realizes that one of the other hostages is an old foe, Detective Epperson, the two begin working together to uncover the connection between them and their captor - a masked man they suspect is the infamous Deathstalker Killer. Meanwhile, Agent Bobby Church of the FBI is investigating Epperson's disappearance and discovers the detective vanished while he had been following a lead in the Deathstalker case. The search soon has Church crossing paths with Epperson's former partner, Scott, himself looking into the abduction of his friend, Olivia. After Scott and Church discover cellphone pictures of Olivia in the cage with both Trick and Epperson, they know they must race against the clock to find the location of the cage before time runs out, and the hostages are executed one-by-one.
主演:罗伯特·英格兰德 丽萨·赞恩 ShonGreenblatt Lezli
简介: 一群从感化院逃出的青少年误闯鬼王弗莱特出没的春林镇,鬼王又使用他一贯的技俩,潜入他们的梦里,利用他们各自的弱点,逐一杀害。感化院女导师从孤儿院档案里查出鬼王的身世之谜,并得知其中一名问题少年可能是鬼王的后人,女导师冒险进入梦中,欲藉鬼王的弱点将其消灭,未料经地数番激战,才发现自己赫然是鬼王的女儿。猛鬼街6电影网友评论:< class="com">除了开头少年辗转离开春木镇没印象,这是此系列多年前看过最完整的一部,可惜都不是完整版的originalrelease。虽然Freddy再次莫名其妙的复活——片头简单描述10年后当地只剩一个孩子,仍然有不少细节难忘的亮点,后来的电影有一些受其启发的影子。当时观感很好,单看此片完成度4,系列整体内比较3. < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">当然很多人都对这部一黑到底,这部从风格来说是偏于嘻哈搞笑,血腥少了,打趣多了,至此大家对于佛瑞迪的杀人啊手法已经没什么感觉,再有新意也是白开水兑白开水,这一部正好加入了佛瑞迪的童年和家庭,这就是这一部最大的意义了,因为一个影史经典形象不只是毫无节制的杀伐,更有对人物形象本身的挖 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">3.5表白RobertEnglund,Freddy比同行Michael或Jason在“人格魅力”高出数档的即在于Englund的异色演出,夺人性命伴着致命的坏玩笑。本片在情节上还原Freddy身为人的阴影很傻气,他就该以 ureevil的形象,乱窜于一代人的噩梦里 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">开头就上男生绿野仙踪哈哈。还好保持了神髓,女性当家搭配皮皮的Freddy,虽然女主比较脸瘫。还有德普客串煎鸡蛋哈哈哈。想象力较前作逊色,但依然玩了听力感官,洗脑MV,电子游戏,红蓝3D。几处省钱运镜也颇有心思。每个问题儿童背后都离不开问题家长。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">所以这个系列其实是一部喜剧吗…觉得freedy打游戏的时候还挺可爱的………然后就是父女大撕逼。慢着…………1-5里面都没说有他有老婆这件事啊!!!!!然后上一集他娘也没能收拾掉他,所以这次放女儿来了?下次再来个谁……… < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">猛鬼街系列终以烂片收尾!约翰尼德普酱油出场,像灰太狼那样吃了弗莱迪一记平底锅,全片就打游戏那有点好玩,女主也算个漂亮的半少妇,其他的都是垃圾,还3D呢?是说弗莱迪最后爆炸那的效果吗?卧槽!! < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">20181105周一14:26弗莱迪大战女儿Maggie,胜出者女儿。雷人的3D纸眼镜,90年代gameboy面世,弗莱迪同你大玩闯关机动游戏,仲要你地光临我的过去,又一只童年受创的杀魔! < class="com">①md,我居然看到了魔法弗雷迪,果然弗雷迪再进化了,说好的恐怖片马上都可以当动漫看了,。。。②欢迎大家收看猛鬼街第六部——《魔法弗雷迪游戏人间》。。。。③这他妈就很玄幻了。。。 < class="com">亮点有二:一是利用助听器杀死聋人,恶魔不会怜悯弱者,二是30年前就出现了盗梦空间机器的雏形。除此之外一塌糊涂。风格混乱,喜剧和恐怖混搭的极其糟糕,高潮就是抗日神剧的水平。 < class="com">杀死父亲为什么辣么开心,弗爷上集被收回母腹,这集不但出来了,还生了个闺女,真神奇。而且还爱上了COS,哈利波特,超级玛丽,玩的真是不亦乐乎。只有女主玛姬和崔西活下来了 < class="com">恐怖气氛还有有的,不过我觉得整个系列有点越走越远了,讲讲恶鬼就好了,还非得引入玄学进去,整个剧情十分不走心,而且第六部收尾就好了,反正整个系列剧情上越来越不堪入目。 < class="com">第四部之後就要走cult逗比路線了嗎哈哈哈哈,讓你一路喊著WTF但是又想往下看的標準B級片,電玩橋段和五毛錢特效不要太逗。片尾的回顧還有那大大的R.I.P很有感覺啊
主演:Elisabeth Shue Terence Stamp
简介:Student Jane jobs as an assistant for the animal researcher Phillip in a lonesome old house. They live alone except for the chimpanzees and butler Link a 45 years old very intelligent orangutan. Phillip wants to put Link to death. However before he can do this he's vanished tracelessly one morning. Link starts behaving more and more aggressive and prohibits Jane from using the phone or reaching the next village. When she punishes him by locking him out, he becomes violent.