简介: 80年代金球奖好剧。 Jonathan Hart was a self-made millionaire--the CEO of Hart Industries, a global conglomerate. His gorgeous wife Jennifer was a freelance journalist. They were both amateur sleuths, and in every e isode found themselves u to their eyeballs in murder, smuggling, theft and international es ionage. They also managed to find time to snuggle together, as they loved each o..
主演:T.W. Leshner Connor Fox Jerry Leggi
简介:'Mothman' was yet another miserable 'original' film that SyFy decided to torture viewers with. Who at the SyFy Network is drinking the wrong Kool-Aid? They need to hire knowledgeable and intelligent decision makers when it comes to their line-u and roduction rocesses. The only thing redeemable about 'Mothman' is that the acting is above average for SyFy original features. The cast did a retty good job with such a crazy, undevelo ed storyline and scri t. The s ecial effects were really itiful - worse than the old dinosaur flicks from the 50's and 60's. With today's technology, someone with creativity and skill could have created much better effects with home com uter equi ment. I believe that any movie worth making is worth making right - as right as ossible anyway. This starts with the writers of course. A solid lot, storyline and dialog really are the most im ortant - s ecial effects can enhance or destroy a film as well. Continuity is a major element in both, in order to eliminate ossible holes and aid in believability. I guess the roduction com any didn't have anyone who could rovide continuity for the scri t or work-flow during filming and editing. Oh well. And why the heck did 'SciFi' change their name to 'SyFy'? Ridiculous!
主演:蒂莫西·V·墨菲 斯坦·克里希 LindseyStoddart 帕特里
简介: 主演:蒂莫西·V·墨菲/斯坦·克里希/LindseyStoddart/帕特里夏·麦科马克/洛奇·马奎导演:SheldonWilson语言:英语地区:美国编剧:SheldonWilson类型:惊悚/恐怖上映时间:2005-03-26 别名:灵异裸男用户标签:恐怖,美国,血腥,惊悚,美国电影,2004,我看过的恐怖电影,恐怖片片长:97分钟/Germany:93分钟(DVDversion)imdb编号:tt0369918 一年前的这个小镇发生一宗凶残的当地女童谋杀案,至今仍然没破案。一年后,一个全身浴血的男孩子在警局出现。警长积克为女童一案耿耿于怀,现在他得面对自己的心魔。他正尽全力去找出这个男孩的真正身份和有可能的被害者。但积克不知道他将会面对非常恐怖的事情。在目出之前,生人得为死者妨受痛苦付出代价。
主演:吉娜·赫尔顿 GregBryk 斯蒂芬·阿梅尔 克里斯托弗·雷德曼 简
简介: &nbs ;&nbs ; 在天狼星6B&nbs ;杀人机器屠杀人类事件的13年后,&nbs ;某搜救小组接收到来自天狼星的讯号&nbs ;,&nbs ;这意味著多年后奇迹生还的人类?&nbs ;还是变种的杀人机器演化为更恐怖的世代?&nbs ;又或者是半人半械的混血物种要来完成消灭人类的大业? 异型终结2电影网友评论:< class="com">装正亦邪的男主角,狗血的结局,俗套的编剧,导演不就想告诉我们几个机器人打来打去无非就是想骗取女主角的信任让其怀孕,可折腾这么费事干嘛呀,建议本片不如改名《异型欺骗怀孕战》,让人一目了 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">人-机器、机器-人根本无法区分,钢铁和肉体的界线只是一种陈词滥调而已。如果钢铁和肉体能够完美的结果,并且拥有自由意志,那到底是人还是机器?或者从根本上人就是一种机器? < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">让我很受伤的片子。女猪脚排名第一弱智,队长第二弱智,其他的往下排队。最聪明的就是人形的鼠鬼了(其实也不聪明,因为地球来的战斗小队就是一群蠢货,所以他们算聪明了) < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">个人认为没有评价那么差,女主有点安妮海瑟薇的感觉,当然此片中男性都比较养眼,和第一部故事也有连接,故事编的还不错,节奏紧凑,如果投资大点这片子就要牛逼哄哄了. < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">二的直教人要scream。机器进化身份识别变成了特么的病毒感染一样,还特么学异形怀了崽,你特么精液是机油么?女猪的脑门再努把力就可以占半张脸了。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">恶心电影翻拍第一部。只是男的变女的,女的变男的。第一步男主角是人女主角是机器,第二部换回来。每次都有机器混在队伍里面。剧情一看就猜到了。浪费时间 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">忍不住按快进的小成本电影,无论是情节场景还是配乐都是那么小成本。我是猜到了那个盖是机械人,但是没猜到是能让人怀孕的机械人,真是好有想象力啊! < class="com">没好什么新意啊,而且后面那些半人半械和某部电影简直一模一样啊。只是女主角还可以……再说一句,这里面的人怎么都不吃饭啊? < class="com">本片完全不如前作,变成了直白的悬疑+惊悚+恐怖,而且明显成了一部小成本片,片尾女主怀上了生化机器一幕很有创意。 < class="com">场景实在是粗糙又单一,有些情节也没什么逻辑,大概是老电影加之小成本的原因,其实外星探险的设定本身还挺有趣的。 < class="com">这一集机器人进化了,成为和人看起来一样的生物,并最终与人类女性结合,飞向了了地球。特技比第一步好的有限。 < class="com">与他的成本相比这个算是好剧了,投入产出性价比高,虽然有山寨的感觉,看起来还是好像铁血战士