主演:JimAdams ErnieAlexander 肯尼·亚历山大 Jay
简介: 这个纪录片推荐给各位热爱摩托车的人们!!!我们为何骑车电影网友评论:< class="com">美国好擅长拍摄这些激情澎湃,鼓舞人心的作品。很多人开始骑摩托都是因为很小的时候骑过minibike,导演将他们说minibike的镜头剪辑在一起的时候,觉得好可爱。想起小时候和弟弟玩小霸王的骑摩托游戏玩到手抽经。。。片中,一个人说:骑着摩托去周游世界,不需要力量和勇气,只需要决心 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">摩托简便易行,穿街过巷,纾解心情,海边散步,沙漠探险,更重要的是,摩托很酷。飞驰的快感,分享的快乐,一家人如果都对摩托狂热,那是一种幸福,两个骑士相遇,必是难得的缘分,兴趣就是使命,有了使命就要放肆去追逐,哪怕手脚残缺,不妨碍体验美妙。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">如果你同我一样从未享受过竞技的乐趣,从未专注于一项可以enjoy的事情,就会知道我现在心跳多猛烈,而眼泪湿润眼眶(没错我爱哭),whyweride,whoamI?最后的结论是,人生真是白活了。走极端了… < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">摩托车爱好者谈起自己的历史、摩托车文化史、对这项“运动”的喜爱并为之着迷时,眼睛是放着光的。叙述的方式和脉络平缓而舒适。虽然自己对它们并不爱,也没骑过它,但我喜欢这些有爱好的人和记录它们的影片。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">学摩托骑摩托的原因是偶然当过一次后座感受到了一种特别的自由。摔得满腿是伤也还要坚持骑车因为骑车变得勇敢。还有根藏在深处的一种热情被叫醒。我要过最酷炫最冒险的人生摩托就是这种人生的一部分。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">要开始做一件事情,勇气和能力都不总要,需要的是你有决心。想起,12年独自骑行一千多公里,不甚周全计划,但是我知道一旦开始我就必定会成它,就是开始一公里的决心吧。 < class="com">这部电影不是一部有叙事结构的纪录片,纯粹是一部摩托人给摩托车的情书,沸腾的影像和励志的语言确实能打动机车人生意外的观众,关于热爱,无论是什么,都不必问为什么。 < class="com">他们所面临的问题,在我眼中是很荒谬的,这有什么好烦恼的呢?任何事情,一旦不顺利,他们的心情就会变得混乱,而我,根本就不当一回事。人活着,本该无所求。 < class="com">没有吸引人的剧情但是平淡的语言后面对于摩托车的喜爱与狂热一个家庭的共同信仰紧紧抓住你的情绪恨不得立马骑起来 < class="com">看的眼睛都湿润了,羡慕美国的机车环境和氛围。希望机车友的队伍越来越强大,安全骑行,扭转国人对机车的认知。 < class="com">想起自己第一次骑老爸的嘉陵摩托,大概在在十六七岁的时候,除了听到自己的心跳声,只剩下掠过耳旁的风声…… < class="com">一个喜欢机车的朋友推荐看的,真不怎么样,可能毕竟不热爱吧,但是我本来以为我看完会热血沸腾的呢?
主演:车胜元(Seung-wonCha) Jung-shikBae(Jung
简介: 主演:车胜元(Seung-wonCha)/Jung-shikBae(Jung-shikBae)/Chae-yeonKim(Chae-yeonKim导演:张恒俊语言:韩语地区:韩国编剧:李宽洙、朴静宇类型:剧情/喜剧上映时间:2002-07-19(韩国) 别名:挞着火机/点燃打火机/S arktheLighter/BreakOut用户标签:车胜元,韩国,韩国电影,喜剧,黑帮,2002,+_+韩国电影,韩剧片长:105分钟imdb编号:tt0325743 30岁的河鹏古失业多时,一直靠偷父母的钱度日。他在服兵役时因不堪军旅生活的劳顿而当了逃兵,身上只有300韩元的他决定花光所有的钱买一个平价打火机。可这只打火机却被他遗失在汉城车站的厕所里,当他返回车站寻找时,却发现打火机已在黑帮老大朱宽手中。河鹏古试图要回自己的东西,却遭到毒打。随后,他暗自跟随黑帮一伙上了火车,为的只是那个打火机。
主演:Bob Dylan Joan Baez Judy Collins
简介:"Bob Dylan going electric" at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival is one of those epochal moments in rock history that seemingly everyone has heard about, but what few people seem to know is that it wasn't some ephemeral event that we only know from word of mouth -- filmmaker Murray Lerner documented the performances at the Newport Festival for several years running, and The Other Side of the Mirror collects footage from the three years Dylan appeared at the celebrated folk gathering, allowing us to see Dylan's rise through the folk scene for ourselves. Watching Lerner's documentary, what's most remarkable is how much Dylan changed over the course of 36 months; the young folkie performing at the afternoon "workshop" at the side of Joan Baez in 1963 is at once nervy and hesitant, singing his wordy tunes while chopping away at his acoustic guitar and energizing the crowd without seeming to know just what he's doing. In 1964, Dylan all but owns Newport, and he clearly knows it; he's the talk of the Festival, with Baez and Johnny Cash singing his praises (and his songs), and his mand of the stage is visibly stronger and more confident while his new material (including "Mr. Tambourine Man" and "It Ain't Me, Babe") sees him moving away from the "protest songs" that first made his name. When the audience demands an encore after Dylan's evening set (Odetta and Dave Van Ronk were scheduled to follow him), Peter Yarrow tries to keep the show moving along while Dylan beams at the crowd's adulation, like the rock star he was quickly being. By the time the 1965 Newport Festival rolled around, Dylan's epochal "Like a Rolling Stone" was starting to scale the singles charts, and the hardcore folk audience was clearly of two minds about his popular (and populist) success. When Dylan, Fender Stratocaster in hand, performs "Maggie's Farm" backed by Al Kooper, Mike Bloomfield and the rhythm section from the Paul Butterfield Blues Band, the raucous but hard-driving number inspires a curious mixture of enthusiastic cheering and equally emphatic booing, and while legend has it that the version of "Like a Rolling Stone" that followed was a shambles, the song cooks despite drummer Sam Lay's difficulty in finding the groove, though if anything the division of the crowd's loyalties is even stronger afterward. After these two numbers, Dylan and his band leave the stage, with Yarrow (once again serving as MC) citing technical problems (if Pete Seeger really pulled the power on Dylan, as legend has it, there's no sign of it here); Dylan returns to the stage with an acoustic six-string to sing "Mr. Tambourine Man" and "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue" before vanishing into the night without ment. While much of the audience at Newport in 1965 wanted the "old" Dylan back, his strong, willful performances even on the acoustic stuff makes it obvious that the scrappy semi-amateur we saw at the beginning of the movie was gone forever, and the ovations suggest more than a few people wanted to see Dylan rock. Lerner's film tells us a certain amount of what we already knows, but it gently debunks a few myths about Dylan during this pivotal moment in his career, and his performances are mitted and forceful throughout; no matter how many times you've read about Dylan's Newport shoot-out of 1965, seeing it is a revelatory experience, and Lerner has assembled this archival material with intelligence and taste. This is must-see viewing for anyone interested in Dylan or the folk scene of the '60s.
主演:MoaGammel 莉琦·李 奥拉·拉佩斯 AlexejManvelo
简介: 主演:MoaGammel/莉琦·李/奥拉·拉佩斯/AlexejManvelov/JohanRabaeus/InezBuckner/阿娃·弗洛灵/IngelaOlsson/AlexanderStocks/AzzanJack/阿曼达·奥慕斯/MahmutSuvakci/AlexanderLjungBoyea/EgilLinge/RamouJac导演:塔里克·萨利赫语言:瑞典语地区:瑞典/斯里兰卡编剧:AntonHagwall类型:剧情/悬疑/犯罪上映时间:2014-03-14(瑞典) 别名:搶匪風暴用户标签:瑞典,瑞典电影,悬疑,欧洲,犯罪,推理,剧情,斯里兰卡片长:92分钟imdb编号:tt3411420 圣诞节前一周,埃斯特尔降落在阿兰达机场。一年前因为丈夫汤米参与了瑞典有史以来最大的银行抢劫案,他们带着女儿匆忙逃离斯德哥尔摩。道上都在传他们要拿回属于他们的那一份,斯德哥尔摩的黑社会人人自危。如果汤米回来,整个城市都将毁灭。如果他不会来,也许更恐怖…… 抢劫风暴电影网友评论:< class="com">杀人抢劫案主凶老婆讨赃记,她爹就是案件主谋,父女相残,杀死老爹,拿到账款后,带着妹妹和女儿到斯里兰卡虾皮去了。瑞典的黑帮片,情感比较细腻,动作场面欠缺。时光没有,在豆瓣做下记录 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">这个,忍苦耐劳地看完了。导演的自大狂逻辑太强了,一群大棒子被一个女人拙劣的技巧玩的团团转。例如长发男被女主扎穿手之后还能让女主带着孩子穿越雪地树林逃跑,这哥们到底多虚弱啊。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">一个女人的突然到来搅乱了所有人的生活,甚至人生。最后却跟没事人似的带着账款一走了之。做劫匪做得这么明目张胆这么理直气壮的我还是头一次见。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">故事的角度还不错,比较新颖,关注于抢劫之后的事态发展。但导演想法太多,故事讲述得很犹疑,拖拖拉拉,少点北欧影片的干净利落。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">没有性。既有人性的挣扎,也有生存的呼唤。亲情,友情之冷漠,贪欲之可怖。。。。好看。。。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">我觉得这个逻辑不成立啊,你真以为编造个即将回来却不现身的丈夫能骗过两拨人吗? < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">这个片就是告诉你,有一个只知道打炮,用下体思考问题的杀B妹妹,是多么的悲催 < class="com">在国王广场的电影院里看的。预告片还行,正片真不怎么样。 < class="com">剧情没有亮点!没有大片的感觉,像在看电视连续剧.... < class="com">女权主义者拍的,剧情逻辑感差,主角金钟罩护体了没劲 < class="com">老婆回来给老公复仇了,打心理战,这样的老婆厉害。 < class="com">剧情国情人情都不合乎情理,片尾曲加一星~
主演:Ali·Ben·Horsting 艾科·比姆斯特布尔 Hilde·De
主演:卢宾·布雷兹RubénBlades DalilaColombo Elb
简介: 主演:卢宾·布雷兹RubénBlades/DalilaColombo/ElbaEscoba导演:JonathanJakubowicz语言:西班牙语地区:Venezuela编剧:类型:剧情/动作/惊悚/犯罪上映时间:2005-08-05 别名:用户标签:委内瑞拉,犯罪,拉美,2004,JonathanJakubowicz,委内瑞拉电影,电影,美国电影片长:USA:86分钟/Argentina:90分钟imdb编号:tt0371939 影片讲述一伙罪犯绑架一对有钱情侣的故事。卡拉和马丁是一对有钱的情侣,一夜从酒吧喝醉后,在准备上车时,引起了绑匪特雷斯=巴杜和尼加的注意,这三人决定绑架他们......