主演:JenniferBeals KatherineMcNamara Lol
简介: 主演:JenniferBeals/KatherineMcNamara/LolaTash/DylanNeal/S encerLis导演:VicSarin语言:英语地区:加拿大编剧:BlakeCorbet/DanTrotta类型:剧情/悬疑上映时间:2014-12-27(美国) 别名:用户标签:悬疑,剧情,JenniferBeals,加拿大电影,加拿大,爱情,家庭,人性片长:85分钟imdb编号:tt3951252 真实故事改编。一个少女Caitlin出现在Liz(JenniferBeals)家门口并声称是自己丈夫(Gabe)和以前情人的女儿,而liz最近也刚因为精神崩溃经过医院治疗回到家中,跟高中生儿子AJ和做音乐却很久没有收入的丈夫的关系也十分紧张,她不得不接受这个陌生的女孩走进她的家庭。但随着一些奇怪的事情发生,Liz开始怀疑这个女孩来她家的真正目的。。。 妻子的噩梦电影网友评论:< class="com">电视画质,除了最后的那十分钟高潮,前面真的有点没耐心看下去。因为是真实故事改编,所以我觉得荒诞的生活无处不在啊。其实这个电影要是给娄烨老师来拍的话,可能就是《浮城谜事》了。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">撕逼撕得不够激烈,不够火候啊!悬疑气氛足,让人一直猜,猜来猜去感觉一家人都是神经病,没想到最后结局这么弱!!可惜了!! < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">冲着Jenniferbeals还是可以看的,重点全在最后的十五分钟里。基于是真实事件改编,悬疑程度还在可接受的范围。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">丈夫跟小三一起设局害老婆,惊悚。。。儿子发现老爸的真面目以后,跟妈妈站在了一起,是妈妈唯一的安慰了 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">节奏紧凑,非宏大叙事下面的表现张力还是不错,结局稍微仓促了。PS.男猪的样子像正常版的小恶魔。 < class="com">虽是真实改编,情节却极其离奇。剧中男主,得有多低的智商,才能想出如此主意? < class="com">虽然剧情很蠢。但是最后b大咆哮帅爆了,演技是好,力气也大。20150725 < class="com">剧情好俗,可是大人演技很好啊~~~ arty时的发型特别好看! < class="com">妻子嫁了一个外表是演奏家而品德是垃圾的丈夫,就是一个噩梦。 < class="com">竟然是真实故事改编。过程悬疑紧凑,真想难忘。 < class="com">为了Jenniferbeals看的 < class="com">为了B大人,硬生生的啃完了生肉
简介: Since 1977, Sam Klemke has been recording himself on film, the #selfieavantlalettre. In that same year, NASA launched the Voyager with the Golden Record. Whereas NASA rimarily sketches a ositive icture of humanity, Klemke's honest self ortraits zoom in on the individual. A s ecial film about time, memory and what it means to be human. ‘This year will be my year, it has to be!’ Since 1977, Sam Klemke - a ioneer status u dater - has looked back on ‘his year’ using video. With the illusion of rogress, he ho es to encourage ‘ ersonal growth and im rovement’. Documentary maker Matthew Bate met Klemke on Facebook and became acquainted with his video 35 Years Back Through Time, a su er-cut in which Klemke counts backwards from 2011 to his ambitious teenage self. Intrigued by this obsessive film roject, Bate used Klemke's ersonal archive to create a documentary collage that feels like an intimate road tri , with Klemke roviding valuable lessons about time. Along the way, he dismantles the dream of success and ha iness. Klemke's self-mockery and honesty give the whole thing a light, breezy feel. Through this, Bate interweaves NASA’s Golden Record Project which, just like Klemke’s video roject, was launched in 1977. This juxta osition creates a reflection in which Bate sketches the com rehension of time and self-documenting stories as an inherent human need