主演:斯盖拉·阿斯丁 BrigaHeelan RoryScovel Rene
简介:SkylarAstin﹑BrigaHeelan及JohnC.McGinley主演的TBS新喜剧《爱情零距离》(GroundFloor)正式续订第二季;故事讲述虽属同公司,但负责投资管理的Brody(SkylarAstin饰演)与维修部的Jennifer(BrigaHeelan饰演)一夜情后,决定试着约会。而季终Brody在工作爱情二选一下,选了爱情并跟Jennifer共赴旅程,但同时被公司老大Mansfield(JohnC.McGinley饰演)炒了。爱情零距离第二季电影网友评论:< class="com">没想到在这里就那么结束了!不过被取消了也没有舍不得。第二季花了四五集的篇幅刻画老板有多傲娇,看的人差不多都疲了...因为真的老板到这季度完全不可爱...新加来的那个眼镜女也是,看着很不自在。后半段还好,newChristine啊AnnaCam 来客串,上季的那个美女离开了有一点可惜。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">这么好看的美剧13年尾巴追上的喜欢男主又去看了完美音调谁知他女朋友又是其中一位主演第一季还去客串嗷嗷嗷就更喜欢了噻喜欢剧里面的每一个人嗷嗷嗷盼星星盼到第二季竟然还是逃不了被砍的命运伤心 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">没有第三季了!!!!最戳的莫过于大结局..-Youarescaredoflosingyourdaughter.-I''mnotscared,I''mterrified < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">这剧收视率不错而且笑点也可以,只是因为公司高层变动调整喜剧路线而遗憾被砍,所以我们就忽略掉全剧最后一集的狗血剧情吧,每一对都结婚确定剧情一定要这么写么?~~ < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">被砍了就草草收场了,让我去哪看可爱的老板叔叔啊?男女主还是挺可爱的,也不做作,只有简单的人才能爱的这么轻松吧?可惜没得看了。2015.02online < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">开始正经走剧情的时候戛然而止,three eat的戏份少了,Harvard的增多了,演员的塑造后劲有点不足,最后一集画面拍得像电影 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">女主一如既往漂亮,但是老板和男主他们的戏份没有以前搞笑/被砍了,可惜,最后两集是真实情侣和戏中情侣换妻 lay2333 < class="com">上一季就以为被砍了没想到还出了第二季,不过剧情一样乏善可陈。突然发现老板是那个经常在微信动画表情里看到的人。 < class="com">这部剧的缺点就是平均颜值都太低了吧,好在这一季加了一对CP更有戏剧性。这么好笑的喜剧,被砍了真是可惜。 < class="com">第二季其实挺不错,传统美式喜剧的路子,夸张的情节,不合理的逻辑,有趣的人物。等待大结局第10集 < class="com">女主好看死了好吗!!很甜笑起来很美啊!!而且嘴形很好!!老板依旧那么可爱~ < class="com">第二季老板占的篇幅多了点,除此之外都不错啊,怎么被砍了。。。
简介:One biblical figure is revered by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. His name is Moses (Dougray Scott, Arabian Nights), the man who rose in ower to defend a eo le, to free them, and to live in history like no other…A time of danger a roaches for all of the Kingdom. Danger from a child. A child who will become a Prince of Egy t. With the soothsayer’s dire ro hecy, the Pharoah (Paul Rhys, From Hell) orders the slaughter of all newborn males. But one child, born of Hebrew slave Amram (Louis Hilyer, Sky Ca tain and the World of Tomorrow) and his wife Jochebed (Emmy nominee Lisa Jacobs, The Attic), is ut in the care of others to ensure his own safety. As years ass, Moses is raised in a royal Egy tian household and, with no memory of his true family, rises to the stature of rince. U on discovery of his heritage, and ins ired by a fiery message from God, Moses im lores his ste brother Menerith (Naveen Andrews, Lost), a high-ranking official in Ramses’ army, to join him on a fight to reclaim his destiny as the leader and liberator of the Hebrew eo le.But when Ramses rejects his demands, Moses issues the curse of a coming lague. From a swarming cloud of locusts to a river transformed in to a rushing stream of human blood to a down our of frogs from the heavens, the ro hesized scourge has been unleashed—Moses has taken the first ste toward accom lishing his mission. Charting the dramatic story of the Hebrew leader—from his narrow esca e from death to his leadershi of the Hebrew eo le to the arting of the Red Sea, The Ten Commandments unfolds with all the s ectacle, the violent human drama, and grand ins iration that has earned its stature as the greatest story ever told.With a stellar cast that includes Mia Maestro (Alias) and Golden Globe winner Omar Sharif (Lawrence of Arabia), The Ten Commandments is unsur assed in its vision—both intimate and grand.
主演:奥利佛克里斯 JamieQuinn ScottHoatson 斯蒂芬·
简介:&nbs ;&nbs ;&nbs ;&nbs ;&nbs ;&nbs ;&nbs ;《神奇兵营42》是关于一群士兵的一个系列。尽管他们的生命因拆除隐藏着的炸弹而时刻充满危险,却依然热爱士兵生活,分享同志间的快乐,喜爱互相开开玩笑。故事由RichardHurst(应招女郎的秘密日记,米兰达)和JamesCary(米兰达)创作,现役及退役武装和军士专家对此剧进行了精心研究、提出建议,意在让观众感受到战场英雄们为正义而战之余真实、感人又爆笑的生活。神奇兵营42第三季电影网友评论:< class="com">【冰冰字幕组】从第二季的大大咧咧但前两集就有了泪点,让人知道这部剧背后还是有着对战争的反思的。我们大家都是小人物,战士也是小人物。不知道为什么,看到最后一季,居然很唏嘘 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">第一集boss被砸傻了,还是意外。第二集,被吓尿的士兵引爆了炸弹,一米九被炸成了一米七,仍然是意外。boss很冤了。后面新来的boss不够贱完全接不住笑点…… < class="com">尼玛太喜欢这部剧了,超戳我萌点的好吗!但是nick走了简直不要太伤心(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)最爱他了,心都碎了...接下来都不想看下去啦..... < class="com">这是一部神奇的剧,里面的人个个都讨喜.而且换了二主角竟然没有烂尾.想念nick,不知道有没有第四季.Nowoffyoufuck. < class="com">虽然不讨厌新队长,但nick腿断了我真是太难受了,英剧为何没有主角光环啊啊啊,Simon最后那样我也觉得太可怜了 < class="com">看到Nick走掉那集就没往下看了毕竟Chris是我的看剧初心,,,,,,不喜欢新boss最后大家都走了再见 < class="com">就这样完结了?陪伴了我三年之久的Bluestone42,最后竟然就是这样的结局,想想也是非常令人唏嘘 < class="com">很好,制作组发声明确定没有下一季了。没了Nick整部戏魅力全无。算是勉强没烂尾,给了个全尸。 < class="com">两周之内把三季都看了,喜剧真心英国拍的好!可惜结局很仓促,simon的旅行不知道会是如何呢? < class="com">还是一样贱兮兮的幽默哈哈哈哈~最后sailing结尾还蛮伤感的不知道有没有下一季.... < class="com">虽然Nick走了很想差评!!可是还是挺搞笑的哈哈哈。。(之前看完的忘标记了 < class="com">走了一堆人,季终(剧终?)结尾也不知道是什么鬼,而且傻逼逼福利还这么少。。
主演:黛米·摩尔 阿诺·施瓦辛格 杰弗里·塔伯 纳塔利娅·努古利奇 特洛伊·
导演:霍华德·达奇 阿诺·施瓦辛格 沃尔特·希尔 克里斯·瓦拉斯 David Burton Morris 弗莱德·戴克尔 理查德·格林伯格 杰弗里·普赖斯 汤姆·霍兰德 理查德·唐纳 兰达·海恩斯 杰克·舒德 罗迪·赫林顿 凯文·雅格 吉姆·辛普森 查利·皮切尔尼 彼得·S·西曼 J·迈克尔·里瓦
简介: HBO每晚一个鬼故事,统统改编自同名经典畅销恐怖漫画杂志。历时七季,由各大电视台转播(TV-MA/TV-PG)。Onehourstorieswithmanythemes,including;horror,twists,black-magic,sci-fi....Introducedbya u etcalled"TheCry tKee er".Acrossbetweenthe"TwighlightZone"andmodernhorrormovies.Notsuitablefortheveryyoungorsqueamish.WrittenbyRobHartil
主演:汤姆-沃恩-劳勒 汤姆·格林-卡尼 莫妮卡·杜兰 迈克尔·史麦利 盖·
简介: Colm is in his mid-forties, married, with two teenage children. Still grieving the death of his father, a destructive gure in his life, Colm struggles with his relationshi to his own son, whilst at work a recent takeover threatens his job. Unable to share his vulnerability with his wife, Colm's world is falling a art around him. In the midst of this crisis, Colm solicits sex f..