主演:MethodMan EdwardFurlong AngelicZamb
简介: ◎译&ems ;&ems ;名&ems ;殡葬师◎片&ems ;&ems ;名&ems ;TheMortician◎年&ems ;&ems ;代&ems ;2011◎国&ems ;&ems ;家&ems ;英国◎类&ems ;&ems ;别&ems ;惊悚◎语&ems ;&ems ;言&ems ;英语◎字&ems ;&ems ;幕&ems ;中文◎IMDB评分5.4/10(123votes)◎文件格式&ems ;高清1280版BD-RMVB◎视频尺寸&ems ;1280x720◎文件大小&ems ;1CD836MB◎片&ems ;&ems ;长&ems ;89min07sec◎导&ems ;&ems ;演&ems ;盖瑞斯·马克西维尔·罗伯茨GarethMaxwellRoberts◎主&ems ;&ems ;演&ems ;MethodMan&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;E·J·波尼拉E.J.Bonilla....Noah&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;克鲁兹·桑迪亚哥CruzSantiago....Kane&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;爱德华·福隆EdwardFurlong....Petrovsky&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;WendellPierce....Clinger&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;达什·米霍克DashMihok....Carver&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;LanceE.Nichols....Auggie&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;KatieKnighten....Chloe&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;安吉利·赞巴拉娜AngelicZambrana....Maria&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;DavidJensen....OfficierLaurel&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;DanaFuchs....Ava&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;RandalReeder....OfficerHardy&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;朱迪·马特JudyMarte....Jenny&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;AnnMckenzie....Millie&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;BlakeMichael....StreetKid&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;LuisDaSilvaJr.....Benny&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;OdessaSykes....BusyBody&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;JordanColeman....Rico&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;AnthonyMichaelFrederick....SWATCo &ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;CherieThibodeaux....youngMillie&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;TiffanyJ.Billiot....Missy&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;JoshGates....Shackles&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;LeticiaJimenez....LuisaOrtiz&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;RobertDouthat....S.W.A.T.Officer&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;VernonBrooks....YoungMortician&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;MoeBertran....Sandy&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;KyrtGates....Junkie#1&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;IdellaJohnson....Mortician'smama&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;Michael'Big420'Zielinski....Alfonso&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;CoreyNichols....Junkie#2&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;Christoff'ChrisDaddy'Williams....Chris&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;RayBorn....Fat'Redneck'Sherriff&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;MichaelBroussard....G&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;AustenDaliet....Ava'sSon&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;GeraldineGlenn....Mrs.Neebs(uncredited)&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;DanielVincent....StreetLevelDrugDealer(uncredited)◎简&ems ;&ems ;介剧情&ems ;&ems ;影片是一部黑色城市生活寓言,在一片动荡落败之中,有一个人的生意很好,那就是名为“themortician(殡仪师)”的主人公。正在假释期的诺亚成了他的助手,一天,一名年轻女人的尸体被送到,这意外地引起了诺亚的恐慌。themortician注意到女人的身上纹有波提切利《维纳斯诞生》的纹身,这勾起了他对于母亲的童年的回忆。幕后制作&ems ;&ems ;影片投入仅为200万美元,但却使用了3D技术拍摄,与那些制造视觉奇观的商业大片不同,3D在这里用来呈现了美国社会最灰暗和丑陋的一面,而看过奥斯卡最佳影片提名的《冬天的骨头》的观众也会对摄影师MichaelMcDonough的风格有所了解。◎影片截图 殡葬师电影网友评论:< class="com">一座破败的城市,充斥着暗暴力,警察每天只会收尸,殡葬师每天替死者找回最后的尊严。一切都好像很平常,殡葬师每天都过着同样的生活,从不偏离!仿佛自己已经死了。一个孩子打破这个死寂的城市的平静,殡葬师觉醒!导演的表现手法还是很独到的,尤其是表现殡葬师精湛的技艺,给了每个死者最后的尊严! < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">这是一部无论惊还是悚连一个竖心旁都没见着的片儿……用一个电影的时长讲了一集电视剧的内容。男主留胡子是为了卖萌,刮了胡子立马人格都变了,明明设定是很有故事可挖掘的嘛……浪费! < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">黑暗阴冷带点绝望的小调调,节奏不快但正好带出了压抑感,看的人很冰凉潮湿!ADeadManLivinginaDyingCity,一点点人性的光辉,足以照亮! < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">前半部分光怪陆离,满是涂鸦的废墟一般的城市,各色冷漠凶狠的人物,很有吸引力。后半部分从诺亚愤而杀掉大坏人而突转,画面突然就明亮温暖起来。有点奇怪。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">节奏缓慢,不过刚好和压抑的主题相适应。一个救赎?过程。每个人心里都有或多或少一个难以解开的结,只有正视才能够破除心里的疑惑和困顿。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">看它纯是因为那个日本的《入殓师》太好了,而它的名字又很像(这个理由很古怪)。片子很不好看,漏洞百出,看点很少。 < style="text-align:center;"> < class="com">整体色调较为灰暗,剧情没有较大的新意,给我的感觉就是国外很不安全呀,一不留神可能就没命了,(╯□╰) < class="com">或许牛逼的人的确是非常孤独的,但其内心必定有一个心结的;而随大流的人看似嘻嘻哈哈,其实更是寂寞难耐。 < class="com">音效好摄影也好故事骨架也还好。但是那种末日的氛围有些过头反过来架空了电影。3星半重口味文艺片 < class="com">完全中规中矩的电影,就像家常便饭.我宁愿选择睡觉,也不愿意再看这种大脑没反映的电影. < class="com">很好的故事、很好的演员、很好的音乐,但大部分人不懂欣赏、被好莱坞式侵入了骨髓。 < class="com">配乐和环境结合得很好!不太惊悚,结尾开怀一笑、剃掉胡子的情节让人心生温暖。
主演:约旦·海耶斯 马克斯·托普林 詹姆斯·麦克格温 萝丝玛丽·邓斯莫尔 J
简介: When a young woman and her rideshare driver break down on a dark forest road, each sees the other as a threat. A strange henomena begin occurring around them, they gradually realize they’ve become tra ed in the world of a terrifying su ernatural being: The Toll Man
主演:Kurt Russell Joe Flynn Eve Arden Ce
简介:《魔力神童》是迪士尼70年代超能力神童系列的最後一部電影,故事主角依然是那位奇遇不斷的大學生 Dexter Riley 這次又有狀況了,他和他的夥伴們在實驗室意外之下將一種維他命麥片和化學藥劑混合,居然創造出神奇的功效,一開始他們把麥片給隔壁養的乳牛吃了,居然乳牛活力不斷,牛奶供應絡繹不絕。後來沒想到 Dexter Riley 居然自己也誤食了,而因此成為一位大力士,舉起數十磅的物體都是輕而易舉。學校的 Higgins 院長知道這消息,他以為是這種廠牌的麥片都有這神奇功效,為了讓校隊參加舉重比賽獲勝,他便和親戚所經營的這家麥片廠商達成交易,但是院長卻不知一切都是 Dexter Riley 所加的化學藥劑在發揮功效。另一方面,麥片廠商的另一家競爭者心存懷疑,便派出手下來暗中搞破壞,並刺探事情的真相。
主演:艾拉.贝登 胡安·帕布罗·梅迪纳 LuisErnestoFranco
简介: 一名寻求刺激的女孩想要参加自行车越野赛,可妈妈不让,怎么办呢?那就雇一名对凡事都不在乎的演员来扮演有求必应的老爸
主演:Larissa Manoela Thati Lopes Bruno
简介: Barbara (Larissa Manoela) and Talia (Thati Lo es) decide to exchange in the US. They have no idea of the obstacles and cultural shock. Barbara who always dreamed of visiting NY discovers they'll be living in the Town of Woodstock, NY. Two hours north of New York City. Accustomed to the comforts of her mother's home. Barbara now has to get accustomed to doing household chores an...
主演:托马斯·米连 约瑟夫·科顿 Maria Fiore Mario Pia
简介:Umberto Lenzi is undoubtedly the king of Italian crime movies, but unfortunately; Syndicate Sadists is not the best examples of his work in this genre. Lenzi's crime flicks tend to be a cut above the rest because he makes films based on stories with a point, and they don't lack direction; but this film feels a bit too wayward to fully fit with the rest of his stuff. The film takes obvious influence from Sergio Leone's landmark western 'A Fistful of Dollars' (which in turn, took influence from Akira Kurosawa's landmark samurai flick Yojimbo), in that it features two warring families and a strong character at the centre. The crime that Lenzi focuses on is kidnapping, and we centre on a character called 'Rambo'. Rambo is dragged into the war between the two families after his brother is killed because of it. Rambo uses his brains and brawn to pit the two families against one another, in the hope of gaining revenge for his brother's death, rescuing a young boy that they've kidnapped, and ultimately letting the two sides destroy one another. The film's biggest asset is undoubtedly Tomas Milian. Milian was put to great use by Lenzi in almost all of his crime thrillers. The range of characters he has played for Lenzi is immense, and this one is easily one of the coolest. The character is called Rambo, which immediately sprang to mind the popular Sylvester Stallone character - but for once, the Italians actually haven't stolen this name as Syndicate Sadists was released first! As usual, the film is wickedly entertaining, as we get to watch Milian get himself involved in the usual array of car chases, shootouts and brawls. Lenzi has got him riding a motorbike this time round, and every scene featuring it and Milian is a real standout! However, the film often feels like it doesn't really have anywhere to go, and this means that the running time is stretched out more than it should be. Compared to the crime films of other Italian directors, Syndicate Sadists is more than above average; but in relation to Lenzi crime flicks such as Almost Human and The Cynic, The Rat and The Fist - it doesn't stand tall as one of Lenzi's best. Still, if you're looking for ninety minutes of testosterone fuelled mayhem - Syndicate Sadists will suffice!