简介: 谬托知已 实是狼心狗肺 遇难不屈 乃获最后胜利 广袤的北美草原一望无际 大熊族酋长的儿子托凯依托(盖文源配音) 长得高大雄伟,精于马术。在白人开设的酒店里,他看见父亲同阴险狡诈的福克斯(戴学庐配音)赌钱,气恼地走开了。老酋长输光了现钱,又从怀里摸出一粒金子,白人大为惊愕,贪婪的目光一起射向酋长的怀里。福克斯蓦地拔出匕首顶住酋长的胸口,要酋长说出金子藏处,老酋长不从,结果为福克斯杀死。 驻军少校史密斯(翁振新配音)面对部落的反抗忧心忡忡,束手无策。罗奇(杨成纯配音)少尉奉命押送军火,前来增援,中途遭到塔雄卡维科和托凯依托的袭击,罗奇受伤落荒而逃。 托凯依托为避免冲突激化,只身来到父亲遇难的酒店,同少校谈判和平和公理。具有正义感的白人骑士亚当斯(任伟配音)见罗奇挟嫌报复,提醒少校阻止了谋杀。托凯依托趁机放火烧了仓库,然后远走高飞。 由于年迈昏庸的大...
主演:Matthew Bomer Tim DeKay 格罗瑞亚·沃特西斯 威
简介: USA热门剧《妙贼警探》放出了第2季首支宣传片。这部最令人期待的剧集得到了诸如“时髦的”、“完美的”、“有趣之极的”等评价。就像最后Peter的台词一样:“这可不算完。”是的,这才是《妙贼警探》夏季攻势的开始。而第2季除了更多Neal和Peter的对手戏外,Mozzie身上也将发生点儿“浪漫的事”:曾经出演过《数字追凶》,饰演和Larry教授交往的女警察MeganReeves的女演员戴安·法尔将客串《妙贼警探》,饰演Mozzie暗恋的女招待GinaDeStefano。她的戏份将在出现在第2季初,Gina身陷麻烦之中,很需要人的帮助。而Mozzie的骑士精神当然会用在他心仪的女士身上
主演:BijouPhillips IanSomerhalder DannyM
简介: ◎译&ems ;&ems ;名&ems ;《苏醒/梦醒时分》09年美国最新爱情喜剧DVD中字◎片&ems ;&ems ;名&ems ;Wake◎年&ems ;&ems ;代&ems ;2009◎国&ems ;&ems ;家&ems ;美国◎类&ems ;&ems ;别&ems ;喜剧/剧情/爱情◎语&ems ;&ems ;言&ems ;英语◎字&ems ;&ems ;幕&ems ;中文◎IMDB评分5.5/1057votes◎文件格式&ems ;XviD+MP3◎视频尺寸&ems ;640x352◎文件大小&ems ;1CD38x20MB◎片&ems ;&ems ;长&ems ;98mins◎导&ems ;&ems ;演&ems ;EllieKanner◎主&ems ;&ems ;演&ems ;碧悠·菲利浦斯BijouPhilli s....Carys&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;伊恩·萨默海尔德IanSomerhalder....Tyler&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;简·西摩尔JaneSeymour....Mrs.Reitman&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;丹尼·马斯特森DannyMasterson....Shane&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;玛格丽特·莫罗MargueriteMoreau....Lila&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;斯普雷吉·格雷登S ragueGrayden....Marissa&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;大卫·札亚斯DavidZayas....Grayson&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;KevinAlejandro....DetectiveDaniels&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;IanGomez....GeraldIrving&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;MeagenFay....Mrs.Williams&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;JamesEckhouse....Mr.Williams&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;MeredithMonroe....Phaedra&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;布鲁诺·坎波斯BrunoCam os....Varrnez&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;NicoleBilderback....Salesgirl&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;Nicole3eTubiola&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;GabrielMorales....Ne hew#1&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;保罗·瑞PaulRae....OfficerDobbs&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;Christo herMichael....OfficerDavis&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;KatherineFlynn....Friend&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;LizetteCarrion....Jane&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;EdwardEdwards....Mr.Reitman&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;TinaDiJose h....Tyler'sRece tionist&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;AnneSon....Cashier&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;Chane'tJohnson....Co &ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;JohnGriffin....Ryan&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;OrenRehany....HomelessMan&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;CharlieAdler....Priest&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;LucaOriel....Ne hew#2&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;MichaelSavage....Mourner&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;TrishaDebski....Aunt◎简&ems ;&ems ;介&ems ;&ems ;&ems ;卡里斯雷特曼是个另类的女孩,当她遇到烦心事的时候,也会像其他女孩一样去做一些情绪化的事情,不过,她排解郁闷的方法的确很特殊——参加陌生人的葬礼。【电影截图】: < class="comment">《苏醒电影网友评论》 < class="com">这部片子能算得上是喜剧吗?我不敢认同。看了十来分钟就觉得看不下去了,不知道这戏里到底是要交代什么?到了最后还认为是谋杀,是惊悚,想不到还是爱情,哈哈!不过,过年的时候,无聊的时候多,看看打发时间的片子,也算是可以了。Now,14:22,February4th,2014。 < class="com">在搜歌曲Wake时无意搜到的,简单幽默又有点小感人的爱情故事,好喜欢伊恩萨摩海尔。虽然是一部小成本的电影,但也折射出西方对人文精神的思考以及对安乐死的态度。在关于道德,生死方面,也显示出东西方巨大的差异。电影的很多小细节还是很值得品味的,治愈系~ < class="com">好吧,和想象的不一样。。。。。不过Ian同学的身材真是好啊!!!在看这部片的时候还不知道Ian,看了thevam irediaries之后后悔把这片删了,后来竟然在回收站里发现了残骸,立马restore,为了Ian同学! < class="com">一个性格怪癖的女孩子,有着特殊的癖好。因为一个小小的“误会”,开始了一段美妙的而又奇特的爱情。世界就是这么奇妙!每个人都应该有自己的真爱,每一件事情都有它的原因。 < class="com">前半部分虽然有点老套,但还是有逻辑的。。结果发展到高潮的时候,导演凌乱了。。。结尾也不干净利落。。。但是为了老伊,果断五分! < class="com">绝对是因为Ian才给了这么多星但是你不要再演这种烂片了...折磨人啊btw有些戏演演就好了脱那么干净干嘛.... < class="com">发情中男女在葬礼相遇必然引起乱搞的结局。只是这样的男人怎么最后被包装成了一个“用情之深的情圣”,因果混乱? < class="com">完全为damon做的片嘛一开始被误会是badguy,butturnsouttobeverynice < class="com">那女的太傻比了!!!我好想钻到屏幕里掐死她啊!!!笑的傻比哭的傻比哭笑不得的时候最傻逼!!!!!! < class="com">可不可以别老是让IAN扮演深情款款的角色啊!?电影本身真够无聊的,IAN是支撑看下去的唯一动力. < class="com">为了小伊才看的,结果看到难看的女主,无聊怪异的情节,实在没坚持看下去,小伊在这部片子里也不帅。 < class="com">不知道为什么最近一看到这样题材的电影就让我想到《回乡之旅》很恐怖的惊悚。爱情还是很美好的。
简介:The documentary de icts monarch butterflies’ great and mysterious migration. Each year’s autumn, millions of monarch butterflies start their incredible southward migration from Canada, cross America, to Mexico. They fly above 2,000 miles to arrive the mountain of Mexico .....The film o ens with cater illars munching milkweed in southern Canada in late summer. Soon each cater illar transforms itself into a silky chrysalis. Roughly 10 days later, a delicate four-winged monarch emerges.Then, at some unknown signal, the monarchs take to the air on a two-month, 2,000-mile flight over fields, forests, cities, lains, o en water, deserts, and finally mountains to congregate in a tiny, high-altitude region of central Mexico where they've never been before. Incredibly, they arrive by the millions at the same time each year.Shedding light on this natural wonder are some of the world's leading monarch researchers, including Lincoln Brower of Sweet Briar College, inde endent biologist Bill Calvert, and Orley "Chi " Taylor of the University of Kansas.Putting the monarch henomenon into ers ective, Taylor says, "You've got a butterfly that's originating in Toronto, or it's originating in Detroit, Michigan, or it's coming down from St. Paul or maybe even Winni eg, and it's moving south. Somehow it finds its way to Mexico. Could you do that?"No one yet knows how the butterflies do it, but Taylor's research reveals that they are ex ert navigators. In one ex eriment, he trans orted Mexico-bound monarchs from Kansas to Washington, DC, and then set them loose. At first, they flew south as if they were still in Kansas—a course that from Washington would miss Mexico entirely. But after a few days, they corrected their flight ath, as if some inborn GPS unit had alerted them to the true direction of their destination.In another sequence, NOVA accom anies celebrated monarch watcher Bill Calvert around backcountry Texas as he looks for signs of the monarch migration. Sure enough, they show u en masse and on time, heading toward the Sierra Madre mountains across the border—the last leg of their flight.And in the Mexican state of Michoacán, NOVA joins mountain villagers as they celebrate the arrival of the monarchs in the first week of November. The butterflies' arrival marks the start of a celebration called the Day of the Dead, since the local eo le have traditionally associated the monarchs with the returning souls of their de arted ancestors.Unfortunately, illegal logging in the Mexican butterfly sanctuaries threatens the unique habitat that monarchs de end on for their survival. Monarchs may not yet be an endangered s ecies, but their annual migration is an endangered henomenon that could dwindle to insignificance if the giant firs that they cling to during the winter disa ear.Gone also would be the colorful festival that closes the rogram—a fireworks dis lay welcoming the hardy fliers to Mexico, with orange bursts against the black sky, looking almost like the beautiful cloaks of the monarchs..
主演:萨姆·琼斯 Kimberley Pistone Tim Hughes
简介: "为了搜集卡达贩卖毒品的证据,约翰·奎恩暗地寻访了数月。约翰的搭档汤姆被卡达抓住,约翰去营救他时,卡达残忍地杀死了汤姆。 约翰回到美国空军基地,他的上司被卡达蒙蔽了双眼想将他送入大牢。他们怀疑是约翰接受贿赂,出卖了汤姆。第二次逃跑后,约翰发现汤姆的女儿妮基也在追杀自己,为父亲报仇。约翰说服妮基,二人联手要让真相大白于天下。在他人的帮助下,他们搜集到足够的证据,一举催跨了卡达的贩毒集团,一系列的律师受贿案也浮出水面,约翰与妮基过上了新的生活…"
主演:TomerKapon 妮内特·塔伊布 迈克尔·阿洛尼 NadavNet
简介: Fourfriends,11yearsafteramajorfallingout,reuniteonafinalmission:tofindYaeli,theformerloverofonemanandsisterofanother.Cantheytrium hoverandfindthestrengthrequiredtolay astdemonstorest?Setdee intheColombianjunglethisisastoryoffightingforlifeaswellasovercoming ersonaldemonstofind eace.Featuringbreath-takingaction,thisdramaticthrillerisins iredbyabest-sellingnovel. < style="text-align:center;"> < style="text-align:center;"> < style="text-align:center;"> < style="text-align:center;"> < style="text-align:center;"> < style="text-align:center;">